Thursday, December 8, 2011

Thursday's Treasure

I went out to dinner with friends last night, and as I was walking out the door I reminded Sophie that she needed to work on her letter to Santa.  When I came home, this is what I saw.  I adore the picture of Santa, and how cute is it that she labelled it- just in case we didn't know who that was!
She plans to mail it at our favorite post office, where they have a big sign on the wall by the mail slot that reads, "Kids, put your letters to Santa here!"  I guess that's why she felt the need to let the postman know that "he lives in the north pole".  Lol!!  I told her I would mail it, but *shhh* I tucked it in the back of my closet.  I couldn't part with it.


  1. Aaaww jennie, this is so precious :o)

    We do miss these kinds of things now the childen are grown up, so it's lovely of you to share yours with us :o)

    You do know though don't you, that if Santa brings her a DS, you won't hear from her again till she's about 16! LOL.

    Have a great day my lovely friend. Pleased my 'doh' ness made you giggle at least lol ;o)


  2. WOW!!! Did she really only ask for one thing? What a girl! Hope Santa has it on his list of things to buy!! :)

    PS...lovely writing!


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