Sunday, December 18, 2011

Waxing Nostalgic

I have a special relationship with just about every ornament on our tree.  Most were either made by someone in the family or gifted by someone close to my heart.  If I had to choose just one, though, I'd have to say my current favorite is this wax snowman that was my dad's when he was a little boy.  I love how the little details are almost worn away, but not quite.  He is simultaneously fragile and strong, and has held up bravely and well to time and the elements.  He has spent over 60 Christmases in our family, and I like to think he captures all of the best of our holidays and stores them away in his little self every year.  One day he will be on Sophie's tree, giving her all the joy of memory and family that Christmas is meant to be.
What is your favorite holiday decoration?  I'd love to hear about it in the comments here! Or if you do a blog post about yours, leave the link so we can all take a peek.


  1. I think your little chappie is amazing! It's hard to believe that he's over 60years old Jennie!
    I didn't know candles lasted that long, but I suppose obviously they do! lol

    We have a fairy that's very old. It belonged to my Mothers mother, but I have no idea how old she is, and she is packed away still so I can't photograph her at the moment either. I suppose she must be from at least the early 1900's.
    We haven't used her in about 17/18years though.

    Have a lovely evening Jennie.
    Take care.

  2. What a lovely post. How precious is that little snowman. A treasure for all ages to come. My favorite decoration is a Santa doll that my husband brought home for our son's first Christmas. He moves and rings a bell that he is holding. Thirty six years ago, not as old as your snowman, but holds sentiment as well. This Christmas is our first grandbaby's first Christmas and that Santa will go to him. Thanks for sharing the memory. Merry Christmas and abundant blessings.

  3. favortie ornament, although not nearly as old as your dear snowman, but old enough to make me happy to see him every year! He is also a snowman; but, not a wax one...he's a "shrinky dink" one!! Remember those shrinky dink ornament kits that came out when you were about 4/5? Well guess what, I still have a few of them in my ornamnet collection and I just love hanging them...they make me remember a time when I had a little one at home and how much fun and love she brought to our Christmases! Thank You Jennie!!


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