Monday, December 19, 2011

Makeover Monday: 12/19

You know me and tie-dye.  Loooooove it!  This is a thrifted small square cotton tablecloth.
And this is the gorgeous basket it produced!  It has a batik feel to it, and the colors are just perfectly bright without being overpowering.  It's about 4.5" wide and 3.75" high.  It works really well as a clutter keeper for a desk or craft area since it's wide enough for post-it notes and tall enough for pencils and pens!
Can you believe that at this time next week Christmas will be over?  I have loads of presents to wrap, a house to clean, guests to prepare for, and food to buy and make.  It is sure to be a week full of hustle and bustle of the very merry variety! 


  1. Jennie, I absolutely love this bowl!! Each stitch is a different colour, it's brilliant! :o)

    Yep, you've got a busy week my lovely lady...Has Sophie broken up from school now?
    We've got a week of preparing food and gift wrapping.... just for us five though :o)

    Have a happy, merry week Jennie, and take care now.
    Love n hugs,
    Donna xxOOxx

  2. looks great! hope you have a wonderful xmas jennie!


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