Tuesday, December 20, 2011

My Kinda Rainbow

Looky what I bought myself for Christmas- a whole rainbow sampler of jute twine!  I found it in a gardening catalog and couldn't resist.  Blue, tan, brown, orange, red, purple, green and black.  With almost 53 feet of each color, I'm still deciding what I want to make.  Thoughts?


  1. Ooooh--nice item, Jennie. I'm sure you'll work your crochet magic into something beautiful! Perhaps something for the upcoming spring gardening season?

  2. OOoo, Jennie! These are so pretty :o)
    What gorgeous colours of jute!

    I've got a thought right on the tip of my tongue..., but it just won't reach my lips. LOL
    D'you know what i mean?
    I'm gonna think about this and pop back later if it comes to me :o)

    Have a great day my lovely.


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