Friday, February 10, 2012

Friday's Favorite Fabric Finds

It's been another really nice week here.  I'm relieved to have the basket(s) completed, and am looking forward to the auction and dance tonight.  Tomorrow we are going on a very mini-vacation to Virginia Beach, too.  Sophie hasn't seen a beach since my parents moved away from Florida, so she's really looking forward to it.  We plan to walk along the shore and look for shells no matter how cold it is! 
I leave you with some bright *new* fabrics to kick off your weekend:

I really love all of these, so a favorite is hard to choose.  But, c'mon... violet and chartreuse argyle with safety pins???  Soooooo cool!!!


  1. I think my favourite this week is the second one with those clean cut flower heads :o)

    I'd love to know what designers thought process's are when they think up these designs and colours :o)

    OOOooo, a mini holiday sounds way cool to me my lovely lady :o)
    But why on earth did your parents move away from Florida? ;o)
    I hope you have the most fantastic time my dear, and find tons of the prettiest shells around :o)

    Take care lovely Jennie, and enjoy your break :o)


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