Thursday, February 9, 2012

Thursday's Treasure

You know that saying, "Ask and ye shall receive"?  It came true for me this week!  As part of my "class basket coordinator" duties, I decided to visit a couple of local arts and crafts stores to see if they would like to donate to our cause.  This is definitely WAY OUT of my comfort zone. 
I made up a little half sheet flyer giving the details of our event.  The first store I approached (starts with an M and rhymes with Zichael's), gave me a very underwhelming response.  Granted, I was nervous and I think I talked too much.  The manager told me they are only allowed to support big name organizations like the Red Cross.  Huh. 
So, I honed my intro, and before I could lose my nerve, I zipped across the street to AC Moore.  Went in, asked for the manager.  Gave him a big smile as he approached, handed him my flyer, and delivered my short speech about our project.  After a few exchanges, he told me he'd, "Make something work" and would have something for me February 8th.  I kind of skipped out of there.
Yesterday, I called the store to touch base.  The manager I had spoken with had the day off!  But, he had come in on his own time to work with one of the employees to put something together for us.  I didn't know what to expect when I got there- all I had asked for was a gift certificate or space in one of their classes. 
What I received shocked, amazed, and humbled me.  When I arrived, they presented me with a very large wicker basket, FULL of art supplies, wrapped beautifully in cellophane and tied with a gigantic bow.  I tried to snap a photo for you, but I couldn't get one that did it justice. 
The AC Moore donation is so large that our class is going to have two "baskets" to auction off tomorrow night!  I will always remember their kindness, and will always choose them first for all of my craft needs!


  1. A big HOORAY for AC Moore for the contribution and to you Jennie for your efforts for making this classroom donation so grand!

  2. Oh WOW Jennie! You brave, brave lady!
    And YAY! for AC Moore craft supplies :o)

    So tomorrow night, you've got a night out at the auction..yes? :o)

    Have a great evening Jennie,

  3. That is really fantastic! Congrats!!


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