Monday, March 5, 2012

Makeover Monday: 3/5

 Happy new week!  For today's makeover, I started with my favorite robin's egg blue cotton yarn.
 Then I added a bit of this colorful cotton scarf...
... to create a one-of-a-kind set of springtime nesting bowls.
I so love the way they cozy up to each other.  Ready to work hard...
... or just look pretty!
After almost an entire non-winter, we have daffodils and forsythia blooming already.  But would you believe that right now, as I type, it is snowing?  It is so pretty, and made for a great walk this morning.  I'm looking forward to a morning of cutting fabric to fill this weekend's orders, and then an afternoon of hitting the thrift sales.  What do you have in store for this week?


  1. Wow I just love this colour combination! They are great!

    Thanks for your comment on mine!

    Gill xx

  2. Beautiful!

    When I lived in Wisconsin, the daffodils would finally make their way up in April, and without fail, a spring snow storm would come and cover them up. I think daffodils with snow on them is a sad sad thing. Probably because Wisconsin winters are so long, and even the sight of daffodils didn't mean spring had real arrived.

    Good luck thrifting! Hope you find lots of fabric for you and me!

  3. Jennie,
    These are awesome! I'm so in awe of your colour co-ordination/contrasting!
    You're one awesome lady yourself! :o)

    Hope your thrifting went well today... I love Emily's last comment lol.

    Have a happy night my dear.


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