Sunday, March 4, 2012


The amazingly talented Rita from red pepper quilts (blog HERE and shop HERE) was a sweetheart to mention her recent purchase from sosovintage on her blog today.  There is no better feeling than knowing someone was pleased enough with their purchase to give a little shout out about it to the world!  Thank you, Rita- I am really looking forward to seeing you work your magic with your *new* fabric :)

In other exciting news, the weefashionistas blog looks like it is finally getting up and running!  I was approached about being a sponsor months ago, and had forgotten all about it until I saw some traffic in my shop stats.  The blog has lots of cool tips and tutorials for "making hand me downs hip".  Stop on over and check out the sosovintage web ad in action!

1 comment:

  1. YAY!! To you Jennie for your press!!

    I LOVE your sosovintage button on the wee fashionista's blog! And that is such a cool blog too! I've saved it to have a mooch about on later :o)

    And 'oh' to be as talented as Rita at those quilts!
    Hopefully you're gonna need loads more batteries for your scissors my lovely ;o)

    Have a happy happy day Jennie :o)
    Love n hugs,
    Donna xxOOxx


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