Friday, April 20, 2012

Friday's Favorite Fabric Finds

Happy Friday!  Despite having a relatively empty looking calendar for this past week, it turned out to be a busy few days.  I'm looking forward to relaxing and errand-running tomorrow because we have a big day ahead of us for Sunday.  The three of us need to be up and out early that day for a special walk in memory of a good friend's daughter.  After that, my parents are coming down for the day/night to celebrate a late Easter (apparently the Easter bunny left Sophie some loot at their house!).  Somewhere in there I'm going to try really hard to get a "Price is Right" game in, so please come back to visit over the weekend :)
The four fabrics being showcased this week are in a four way tie for favorite.  I hope you like them as much as I do!

I've had that second one in yellow, blue and green.  Never the pink... until now!  And I'm pretty sure the third one is the lavender/periwinkle match to the pinks I showcased last week. 
Do you have a favorite? 
And what are you planning for the weekend?  
Enquiring minds want to know!


  1. They are lovely fabrics, especially the second! I have visions.....but I have bought way too much fabric recently and am still bidding on some on eBay, so I must resist this time!
    Hoping to sew this weekend, and have a trip to the boot fair and charity shops with my daughter for some vintage shopping!
    Have a great weekend with your family Jennie

    Gill xx

  2. I love that pink sheet. I just ran out of that sheet, but it was green.

  3. I like the second sheet too--although they are all so sweet and retro!

    Tomorrow is a town-wide yard sale in a beautiful neighboring town. I'm so excited--it's an annual family tradition here.

  4. Oooo, I love the first one :o)
    It so reminds me of a summer wildflower bed :D

    Your walk sounds interesting my dear. We used to do 'special' walks and runs on a Sunday too. It's a great thing to do.

    I LOVE the price is right!! LOL Count me in :D

    We have school friends round tomorrow, and if it stops raining for more than an hour on Sunday, we have the whole driveway to clean -OOoo, fun...not :o)

    Have a happy weekend lovely Jennie. I'll be thinking of you walking on Sunday.

    Love n hugs,
    me xxxOOOxxx


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