Thursday, April 19, 2012

Thursday's Treasure

Go figure that just a few days after I write that I don't thrift electronics, here I am showing a thrifted small appliance!  Seriously, though- that blue metal?  The clean lines?  The heft and the wooden handle?  This early 50s blow dryer was not getting left behind!  Can you believe it still works?
Even more of a treasure - I got to meet the previous owner!  I was shopping at a small hospital thrift shop staffed by volunteers.  After one of the workers and I determined that it still works, I stood in line to pay.  As I was checking out, another worker behind the counter said, "I just put that out!"  I said, "I guess I got lucky, then!"  She said, "That was my mother's."  I thought maybe she meant her mother had had one like it.  No, it was her actual mother's hair dryer.  She went on to tell me that she was finally able to start letting some things go, and that she was glad it was going to a new owner who appreciated it.  I told her it looked like it was hardly ever used, and she said they only used it for special occasions.  She went to sleep with wet pigtails most nights. 
It was so special to feel the emotional history behind this item- a glimpse that I always just imagine as a thrift store shopper.  Now I feel a little stressed about reselling it, though.  Like I have an obligation to be sure it goes somewhere special.  Is that weird?  Perhaps I should just assume that anyone who purchases this item will naturally have a unique appreciation for its history.  Thoughts?


  1. I wouldn't stress out about it if I were you. I think people who buy vintage generally have an appreciation for the specialness of the items and whoever buys it will take excellent care of it.

  2. I agree with Emily. I think whoever buys this Jennie, will absolutely adore it and treasure it.

    It is a most beautiful dryer, and I can totally see what attracted you to it. AND it WORKS!! :o)

    I love the fact that the store lady told you her story - I remember going to sleep at night with wet plaits too! :o)

    Happy evening my lovely.

  3. Great story. That's what thrifting is all about! Anyone who purchases this will have an appreciation for it for sure.

  4. I just love reading great stories.. I am sure whomever you give it to will just love.. :) Shari


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