Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Super Cute Craft Overload: Help!

Sometimes you just need to mix things up.  You know what I mean?  Maybe it's just my Gemini nature, but in addition to all of my wonderful qualities (*snicker*), I have a tendency to get bored.  So, instead of working on a crochet project for which I have more supplies than Martha Stewart herself... I go out and purchase supplies for a new project.  Makes perfect sense.  Not.
Fortunately for my wallet, it was sale day at the thrift.  So, this giant hardback children's book treasury from 1968 was fifty cents.  In case you couldn't make it out in the first picture, this IS duct tape holding this book together.  And some masking tape too, if I'm not mistaken.
Adding to the well-loved charm of this tome are the chew marks at all four corners, and some vigorous scribbling throughout the book.  I know, you're wondering why I paid them for this book.  They should have paid me to take it out of the store!  Not so, my friends.
Because with the help of my brand new 2" oval cameo paper punch, I can go through this book and salvage some of the most precious artwork ever!  How freaking cute are those deer?  And the bluebirds? 
Now here's where the title of this post comes in.  I'm all good with the cute crafty pieces, but I need help figuring out what to do with them! 
Before you make any suggestions, keep in mind that this *may* just be something I try my hand at selling in the future.  Off the top of my head, I can think of gift tags, bookmarks, small cards, or little gift boxes. Maybe even put into a sweet little oval frame?  Can you think of something else that would work to showcase these sweeties?  I'd really appreciate your ideas... I can't stand the thought of not giving them a new lease on life!


  1. Super cute! How about some envelopes? You can make small ones that show two or so of the ovals or larger ones that show more.

    Free patterns for envelopes are available online and all you need is a pencil, scissors and a glue stick.

    Large envelopes are legal to send letters through the mail and can you image receiving one of these cuties?

    Great find!

  2. You could sell them as is.... label them as scrap booking embellishments, package them up in sets... you will do well with them !!!

  3. Card toppers, and badges!!

    Ever thought of getting a badge maker my Jennie?
    Not sure how much it would be in the USA, but when I looked into it, the badge makers were much less expensive when they came from the good ole' US than they are over here, so I didn't pursue it.
    But pin badges are really, really popular over here :D

    They do look gorgeous though my lovely :o)



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