Wednesday, May 23, 2012

WIP Wednesday

I've been toiling away with my pattern pile this week, and I now have 6 of them ready to list sometime today.  I've started with the children's patterns, and it seems that most of the ones I have are from 1969. Maybe I bought them because they remind me of my own era!
Still waiting for things to dry out around here in order to get planting. In the meantime, I've developed a whole new craft obsession. It's a secret for now, but get ready for some big news in the coming weeks!
I'm a little embarrassed to share this last WIP. My sosovintage facebook page. So far it's a pathetic little shell of a page- standing as testament to my social-media-challenged self. But, if I can lose 28 pounds (!!!!), I can get this figured out. It would help boost my enthusiasm if anyone out there would like to "like" me. I do plan to offer special facebook deals and coupon codes once I get in the groove.  Oh, sheesh- I'm starting to sound a tad desperate aren't I?  Well, now that your expectations are in the right place, you can click HERE to visit my construction site.  Any tips on using facebook to connect with your shop are much needed and appreciated!


  1. Lordy jennie, I know zilch about facebook, so can't help you one bit there my dearie (new avi :D) )
    I suppose really I should learn! ...Maybe one day....

    Love your vintage patterns. I thinks those little girls dresses are so cool!!

    Happy days listing my lovely :o)

  2. Good job getting your Facebook page up and running!

    Here are some tips for getting fans:
    1. Go and "like" other businesses as "sosovintage"
    2. Make good/insightful comments on their posts - do not go to their page and write "I just liked you, please like me back!" I hate it when people do that!
    3. Post things interesting to potential fans, yes, you can post your items for sale, but people want more. they want to see previews (ie. Fabric Friday), shots of your studio space, maybe interesting blog posts or articles on things they could do with reclaimed linens (ie. patterns for patchwork pillows, pillowcase dress, etc.)
    4. Share the love! If you like something and you think your fans will like it, share it! Share your interest in another business on Facebook and tag them in your post. I'm going to share the love with you on my ekra page right now!

  3. Like Donna, I am Facebook challenged. I just recently deactivated my account, simply because I didn't use it--a wee bit stubborn too! I have faith in you--I know you'll figure it out and it will bring you success.

    Me? I'm still cranking out my knitting, and I'm thrilled with my progress!

  4. Good Luck to you dear one! I would help if I could but I am also challenged when it comes to the facebook, twitter type stuff. I know one of your many etsy friends/followers will chime in to help you though so I wish you luck and I look forward to seeing your new site!

  5. Thank you all for your words of support. Emily, I really appreciate the tips! At this point it is work just figuring out how to switch from my personal page to my sosovintage page... once I get that figured out, maybe I can move on to how to like people as sosovintage instead of myself!

  6. Hi Jennie, well done on tackling FB!
    Emily has really said it all above, but there is just one thing I couldnt work out until someone told me.
    To leave a message with your business page link, when typing a comment (when adding a like) at some point during the comment press shift key and ' to get the curly @ (the 'at'sign) then type s (for sosovintage)and you should find a little drop down list of FB page names starting with s, and yours should be near the top. Highlight your business name and press enter and it will come up as a link to your business page for people to visit.See my comment on your as an example.
    Also (if you can stomach it as its all about getting likes!)you can go to Hike Those Likes and create traffic and "likes" to your site, mostly meaningless but a few good contacts and like minded people do come out of it!
    Have fun!
    Gill xx


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