Wednesday, May 9, 2012

WIP Wednesday

I finished my hay bale cover order last night!  They've been double checked for size and "perfection", folded, and wrapped into color coordinated groups.   Now they are ready to fly off to Massachusetts.  Safe travels, big bundle!
After all of that wedding work, it was a treat to curl up on the couch last night and start the rug order I talked about on Monday.  With Deadliest Catch on the TV for company.  When finished it will be 14" by 28".  Here it is at 14" by about 6".
My customer decided on the off white & brown mix combined with the variegated dark browns.  It has a *tweedy* look that she really likes.
And yourself?  What works do you have in progress today?


  1. These custom orders look so neat and tidy! Beautiful work, Jennie.

  2. Huh? Where's my comment from last evening? It's gone. :o(

    Don't know what happened there lovely Jennie. I just nosed on in to see the other comment that had been written, and mine was gone and there are two others here.
    Maybe I did it all wrong or something?

    *Anyways* loving your twwedy look my lovely. Your customer must be really happy with what you've made!

  3. Well done on finishing the hay bale order - must ahve been a lot of hard work!
    Love the look of the rug you are making - great colours and texture


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