Saturday, June 2, 2012

Destination: Berkeley Springs, WV

Twice a year, my good friend and I put our family lives on hold and meet for a weekend extravaganza of talking, shopping and eating.  We have done this for about 5 years.  Our halfway point used to be Frederick, MD.  Then my friend moved to Pittsburgh!  So, we've chosen a new destination for our trip, and I'm so excited to see Berkeley Springs, West Virginia for the first time this weekend.  I'm guessing it won't look like this photo- it being June and all- but hopefully I'll get some firsthand shots to share.
Now this part of the post may seem unrelated, but bear with me.  A different friend and I had lunch together last Tuesday.  Her husband is looking for a new job, and they would like to move out of the area.  While talking about this, I remembered a website that Mike and I had found a few years ago.  It had a really cool quiz that you can take to help you narrow down the top cities that are the best matches for you.  Then it has loads of info about the places you are matched with.  I looked it up for her when I got home, and then took the quiz again for fun.  I don't even remember what my top spot was, because guess what I got for my second???  Berkeley Springs, West Virginia!  I couldn't believe it.  Would you like to take the quiz?  Head on over to Find Your Spot, then come on back to leave a comment with your results :)


  1. Whoah! How interesting and coincidental! I hope you love your visit. :-)

    I tried to complete the quiz, but I got to part 6/8 and it died! However, the little preview "One of your top picks so far" at the top of the screen was Hampton Roads, Virginia. A place where I have already lived! :-)

  2. Alrighty. After some frustration and determination, I got the website to come up, and it saved my progress. My "top pick" was Little Rock, Arkansas. Two places where I have lived made the list: Norfolk and Hampton Roads, Virginia. Pretty cool! Thanks for sharing, Jennie!

  3. Hope you're having a fabulous time!!

    1. Maui -Hawaii
    2. Paradise -California
    3. Culpeper -Virginia
    4. Cedar City -Utah
    5. Port Townsend -Washington

    I think the best one is Cedar City as they apparently get 41" of snow!! YAY Hay!!!! :D
    You don't get any on Hawaii! LOL

    Enjoy your last weekend as a 43year old my lovely! ;o)

    Love n bug hugs,
    Donna xxOOxx


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