Friday, June 1, 2012

Friday's Favorite Fabric Finds (and a finished WIP)

TGIF!  It's been a long short week.  I did manage to find some pretties, though- check them out:
I've had the first and third ones before, and the second one looks vaguely familiar.  I used a bit of the first one to complete my tangerine bowl.  Yes, I DO finish some of the things I start.  There's proof!
I'm heading off for a much needed weekend retreat early Saturday morning.  I'll post details of the place, along with a cool quiz, tomorrow!


  1. I'm loving number 4!

    Love your finished bowl Jennie...The fabric you have used to finish her off is just perfect!

    OOooo, a weekend retreat sounds so cool!! Hope you have the most fabulous time my dear....Can't wait to find out more about it!

    And a quiz!! I love your quizzes :o)

    Have the most splendid time at your retreat my Jennie :o)

    Take care and have fun!
    Love n big hugs,
    Donna xxOOxx

  2. I'm loving number 4!

    Love your finished bowl Jennie...The fabric you have used to finish her off is just perfect!

    OOooo, a weekend retreat sounds so cool!! Hope you have the most fabulous time my dear....Can't wait to find out more about it!

    And a quiz!! I love your quizzes :o)

    Have the most splendid time at your retreat my Jennie :o)

    Take care and have fun!
    Love n big hugs,
    Donna xxOOxx

  3. A quiz? Oh, I need to stay up all night and study.

    Have a great time on your retreat!


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