Friday, July 20, 2012

Friday's Favorite Fabric Find

One of the hikes at Miner's Basin (see post below) takes you to the long defunct gold mine that gives the place its name.  Along the way there are several wooden cabins in various stages of decay.  I thought I was seeing some sort of mirage when we rounded a corner and I caught sight of this lovely vintage sheet. While part of me longed to disregard the "No Trespassing" signs and grab it up, another part realized that this isn't a bad life. Swaying in the mountain breeze and adding a spot of delight to a home that bade farewell to its best days long ago.


  1. You didn't tell me that charming little story! I love your sweet sentiments regarding this lovely old sheet! Should you get back up there one day...snatch it may enjoy the soft safety of a warm home!

  2. Hi Jennie...I left you a little something on my blog...if you have a minute go check it out!

  3. OOOOoo, I agree with mama in Moab! LOL :o)

    Have you found a sheet like this thrifting Jennie?

    Big sunny hugs to you. xxOOxx


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