Saturday, July 21, 2012

Daily Dose of Cute

 Just look at this adorable swashbuckler!  Apparently, back in the day, Hallmark did "Gift Wrap N Trim".  I found this unopened set at the thrift today for $1.  It was only 85 cents in the 70's, but who am I to quibble?  The pirate boy embellishment measures 11" by 8", and...
... he came with over 7 square feet of this sweetly printed paper.  If vacation HAS to be over, a good score at a favorite store makes the mountain of laundry a little less daunting!  What have you found lately?


  1. Oh he is so cute! I love his hat and his little boots!

    That paper is so lovely too :o)

    Happy, happy sunday my lovely!
    Welcome back home dearie!


  2. Welcome home from your fabulous trip! Yup, that pirate is a cutie. You score the best finds!


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