Sunday, July 22, 2012

Watermelon Wonderfulness

Today I had a lunch meeting to learn about my new job for next school year- PTA Vice President.  The gathering was held at the President's house, and all of the outgoing and incoming board members attended.  I wanted to bring something light and summery to share, and this watermelon treat was just the thing! 
I saw the main recipe for this in this month's Real Simple magazine, listed as a healthy snack.  I changed it up a bit, and here is what we have.  For every 2 cups of cubed watermelon, add one tablespoon of freshly squeezed lime juice and two teaspoons of crushed roasted pistachios.  I added chopped fresh mint as my contribution to the original recipe.  Then the secret ingredient?  Cayenne pepper.  Add as much or as little as you like- just be sure to warn guests that this treat packs a little punch. 
In my wildest dreams I would not have combined these things together, but the result is fantastic!
This would be an awesome dish to bring to any summer BBQ or soiree- it doesn't require refrigeration and probably won't be something anyone else brings.  Super simple ingredients and an awesome gourmet taste.  Win win!


  1. MMMmmmm...this looks delicious Jennie!

    I'm gonna try this one over the school holidays!
    I love nuts and mint in salads .....Mmmmm :o)

    Hope the meeting was a success!!


  2. Well, for sure, you are right about one thing....never in my wildest dreams would I ever dream of combining those "out of sorts" ingredients! However, I'll take your word for it that it was an awesome treat and give it a try myself one day! Thanks for sharing this "super wild" taste treat!


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