Monday, July 23, 2012

Makeover Monday: 7/23

Remember THIS post about the vintage gingham fabric spool I bought in Pennsylvania?  Well, I took said spool to Moab, and crocheted this coaster/trivet on the way to our rockhounding spot one morning.  I thought it would make something larger, but that whole spool came down to this 7" little thing!  As I often say, determining the amount of fabric needed for a crochet job is a very inexact science!


  1. Oh, but it's so lovely tho' !!
    I love that colour -especially in the gingham!

    And it did keep you busy in the car :o)

    Happy week my lovely!

  2. very nice!
    I made a huge rug like that for my's so soft when you walk across it...I just might have to make another!


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