Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Day of Firsts

Today my baby has her first day of first grade.
It's the first time this new backpack gets to go to school.  Also the first time that Sophie didn't correct her dad by saying, "It's a shirt" when he said "I like your dress".
Last year Sophie and I were the only ones at her bus stop.  This year she gets to wait with two other little girls who are starting kindergarten.  And I get their moms and grandmas to talk to!
Is it just my "mother instinct" or can you also see a distinct change in her expression from the first photo to this one?  I think once the bus got here her nerves hit.  I'm glad that I am going in to help out in the cafeteria at lunch time.  Being a PTA mom has its perks.  Wishing all other first day of schoolers and their moms and dads a wonderful day!


  1. yay for first day of school, she look ready!

  2. Yes, there is a definite "look" on her face as the bus arrives! I remember, oh so well, your first day of school and getting on the bus! It was among the hardest things I had to do up to that point and that was to PRY you off my body and shove you, oh so gently, on that bus! I cried all the way back home from the bus stop and worried that whole day until you got home! You were fine...soon as the bus rolled down the road! I found this out later from the bus driver who I got to know as time went on! I'm so glad you'll have the opportunity to go in at lunch time and I know, so are you, and most of all, I bet Sophie is too! Just to have a reassuring smile from Mom will be like her dessert!

  3. Sophie - You look fabulous, and SO grown up with your new hair-do!! xx

    I bet you *both* had a fabulous day after this mornings nerves...Yes, I can see the difference in the photo's too, but I bet when Sophie puts her mind to something she can achieve wonders, (just like her mum!..) and that confidence kicked back in as the day went on...

    Love and big hugs..

  4. P.s. How lovely that you now have someone to talk to whilst waiting at the bus stop..
    I bet it helped the other Mums and grandparents with you and Sophie being there as well..


  5. Sophie looks like a lady, Jennie! Catherine started middle school--I've been bawling my eyes out!


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