Monday, September 3, 2012

Makeover Monday: 9/3

This exotic fabric really caught my eye at the thrift.  It was a fitted double sheet, but I cut the whole thing up into a veeeeery long 1.5" wide strip.  I wound it up into a ball, got out the crochet hook, and...
...made an upcycled hanging basket.  It's perfect to catch the mail when you first come home, and would work nicely for a bouquet of dried flowers, too.  Ooh, or take-out menus!
And guess what?  My *ingenious* design can also sit nicely upon a tabletop if you prefer.  And of course, it can be made to match any decor.
  It's been a long time since I have made something new.  I'm a happy girl this Labor Day.  How about you?


  1. OH "WOW" you are so creative!
    I love it! Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful idea! Shari.

  2. That little hanging basket is a gem! What a clever idea and the colors you made her with are out of this world gorgeous! Good Luck with your newest creation!

  3. Whoops, no I didn't! Doh! LOL

    I so love this Jennie!
    It really is a beautiful creation of yours, and the colours are fabulous.

    The styling is just perfect too!


  4. OOOooo, I love your listing too!!!

    Pumpkin spice.... You're just amazing! xxOOxx

  5. I love this, Jennie! Such a sweet item with a great design.


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