Friday, September 14, 2012

Friday's Favorite Fabric Finds

This is the weekend for sending in Craft Challenge photos!  So, in order to get you all pumped up for that, here are some *new* vintage fabrics that all have "honey gold" in common.

Can you guess which one was NOT a sheet?


  1. I do love the honey gold. I think its the 4th or 5th one...hmmm..I'm gonna go with the 5th :D

    Yes, i haven't forgotten it's this weekend :o)

    Happy evening lovely lady!

  2. #5 is not like the others :o)

    Sorry I couldn't join in on this craft challenge! Maybe next one.

  3. Yep- it's the last one. Too easy this time :)

  4. Great pattern! You could even use those as backgrounds in photoshop :]


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