Sunday, September 9, 2012

Six Flags Adventure

Shades: Check!
Excellent food topped off with an M&M Cookie Ice Cream Sandwich: Check!
Clown with a funny button: Check!
Sinatra lookalike balloon animal made by said clown: Check!
Almost five hours of fun and rides before a tornado warning sent everyone running for cover.  We spent about a half an hour in the Johnny Rockets bathroom corridor as our "evacuation shelter".  There were a few tense moments as people were reading reports on their smart phones of tornadoes touching down within a mile of us.  The power flickered, but never went off. 
When the downpour slowed to a more mild downpour, we gave Sophie the only poncho we brought and headed for the car- via the gift shop of course.  Had a crazy detour of a ride home due to downed trees, and came home to a house without electricity.  We put on dry clothes, headed to IHOP for dinner, and our power was on when we got home. 
Unforgettable company picnic: Check!


  1. Sounds like a crazy and fun adventure!

  2. So glad you all had a great time...add a tornado to the mix and a memorable adventure was had by all!! I'm sure the IHOP dinner was well received as was the power back on when you got home!! Happy everyone is safe and well!! :)

  3. Pleased you're all safe and sound!
    We heard about the tornado warnings yesterday on the news, but they didn't say they were anywhere near you!! :o(

    Love the photos, and can't wait to tell the girls you have M & M Cookie ice-cream sandwiches...They'll be on the next plane out! LOL
    (gary's a savoury boy ;o) )

    Happy new week my lovely.

  4. Wow, what a adrenaline packed time!
    Little Miss is looking so grown up! Time flies....


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