Friday, October 5, 2012

Friday's Favorite Fabric Finds

Happy end of the work week for those of you with more traditional job schedules!  The goods this week all come from vintage sheets, and they all feature my extra super favorite color: PINK!  I hope you find them as cheery as I do...

I've had both #3 and #5 in the yellow colorway, but to see them in pink is heavenly! 
I have a super special weekend planned.. a two-night getaway with six of my best college buddies.  I haven't seen one of them in over twenty years!  Take a peek at the 1855 "castle" where we'll be staying by clicking HERE :)
What are your big plans for the next couple of days?


  1. I am loving the second one down!!

    Its squarey pinkness appeals to me for some reason this week :o)

    Have the most awesome time lovely lady :D


  2. P.s. Pop Castle looks and sounds awesome!! I'd love the pink bedroom with the bed set on an angle in the corner :D xxOOxx

  3. Awesome find that castle is!! It's beautiful both inside and out and I know you girls are going to have a fabulous time! Hello to the girls from us!!

  4. Have a fun filled and very safe weekend, Jennie. Looks lovely!


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