Thursday, October 4, 2012

Thursday's Treasure

Just after I "took office" on the PTA Board, a nice woman from my neighborhood told me about VolunteerSpot.  It was love at first sight!  If you ever need to schedule an event or activity, this is just what you need- and it's FREE.  I have now used it to set up and coordinate three different activities, and people love the convenience and organization.  Jobs are clearly outlined, and as the coordinator, I can have everyone's info handy and check on my event day or night.  You can print out rosters to have for the "day of", and even send thank you messages after it's all said and done.  Whether it is for school, church, little league, girl scouts, or a block party, this is an amazing tool.  No, they are not paying me to write this.  But maybe they should!  In any case, check it out HERE and prepare to be amazed :)

1 comment:

  1. Honestly, some people think of the most amazing websites!

    How cool is this!



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