Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Wednesday's Works

Sophie's work is far more exciting to look at than mine this week.  She drew all of these animals at school for a math activity.  There are the turtles...
... the bunny cat ...
... and my personal favorite, the rainbow rooster!
Oh, how I love my girl's artwork.  To those who spend millions on works by famous artists... keep your eye on this talent.  I believe she is the next big thing :)


  1. Awwww--she's growing up, Jennie. They all are--when the middle school bus comes to pick up Catherine with all the "big" kids, I have tears in my eyes. Really. Not getting used to this growing up thing yet. I don't think I ever will. Sigh.

  2. All of these are soooo sweet and totally wonderful!
    I love coming across saved pictures from childhood. These are treasures Jennie :o)

    Yay Sophie :)


  3. Yep....the next BIG talent is residing right there in your sweet little house! She's gonna be a "star" someday soon! I like the turtles...they look very sweet all lined elephants ready to perform! Go Sophie!


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