Monday, October 8, 2012

Trip Highlights

This trip to Pop Castle in White Stone VA was the best weekend I've had in a really long time.  The setting and weather couldn't have been more beautiful, and the company couldn't have been more lovely.  It is so special to have this group of women with whom to gather!  Here is the back view of the home from the river.
This is the view of the river from the upstairs sitting porch.
Had we had more time, I would surely have been using the crab pots and catching dinner from this dock!
Rooms were given out in order of arrival.  Being second to last to get there, I wasn't sure what I was going to be faced with.  Imagine my surprise when this was where I found myself.  Can you believe it, Donna?
The view from my bedroom.  Some of these trees are a couple of hundred years old and massive!!
We found out that this home was owned by Roger Mudd for several years.  My friend found it using VRBO, and I've since discovered that many of my other friends have used this service to book amazing properties. 
The front porch was flanked by two of these beautiful planters.
The back porch has louvered glass so that we could let in the fresh air.  This was a favorite gathering spot, though we did our best to "use" every room of the house.  It took work to do that- too many rooms, too little time.
The first night we ate dinner at Nate's Trick Dog Cafe.  I had the best crabcakes of my life!!!  This photo was taken of our lunch group on Saturday.  We ate outdoors at Merroir (for hours!), and the food highlights for me were the spiced shrimp and the grilled romaine salad.  Delicious!!
After lunch on Saturday, I had the opportunity for a quick walk down memory lane.  The Hope and Glory, where I was married 10 years ago, is still looking beautiful.   The gardens were all abloom, and the interior is as quaint and charming as ever. 
We purchased salads and cheese/bread from town for Saturday night's dinner, and spent the night chatting on the dock watching the sunset, and sitting on the back stoop into the wee hours of the night.  It always amazes me that no matter how many years go by between visits, we pick up where we left off.  There is always the reminiscing, but there is mostly the "today" talk- husbands, children, parents, wrinkle cream.  You know, the important stuff ;)
I hope your weekend was equally as special!  Makeover Monday will make an appearance later in the week.


  1. Looks like you've had a fantastic reunion weekend in a wonderful setting - I hope you had a brilliant time!
    And special memories of a different kind too, re-visiting where you were married - it looks a beautiful place to have a wedding!
    Gill xx

  2. Jennie, I love that you had the most best weekend in a long time!!

    It looks and sounds fantastic -so relaxing! I bet the girls thought you looked amazing as well!! :)

    Love that you got that bedroom :D

    Just by looking at the photos you get the impression of peace and tranquility (well probably until all of you arrived ;o) ) But I think it looks gorgeous Jennie.

    Hope you have a fantastic week to match my lovely.
    Take care.

  3. What a very relaxing time you have had....and this place is just gorgeous, especially the Hope and Glory, simply amazing!


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