Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Tuesday's Treat

Feeling busy and rather uninspired today.  Tired from the weekend, and stressed from having too many "obligations" at one time.  I was so tempted to let the day go by without a blog post, but then I thought of a new post idea.  I love to click on my activity feed on Etsy and see who has marked one of my items or my shop as a favorite.  But, I also love to click on the feed and see what my favorites have just posted. 
I will often mark a shop as a favorite and then not visit again for months on end.  This activity feature keeps me more in the loop with some cool items!  So, unless I have some other BIG news to report on Tuesdays, I am going to randomly go to my feed and select something to highlight. 
Today's treat comes from Sarah Stevens at cellardesigns.etsy.com.  I don't know Sarah at all, but she has an absolutely awesome shop.  These subway family signs are so in right now, and Sarah offers customization of both the colors and the wording.  Her feedback is not only 100% positive, but you can tell from reading the lengthy raves that she is loved by her customers.  Maybe I will be one of those someday!  Do you have a treat to share this Tuesday?

1 comment:

  1. An awesome designer!

    Thanks for bringing us this post Jennie, a fab new post idea for your fantastic blog!! :o)



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