Hip hip hooray for super customers who send photos. These even came the same day the item arrived- talk about a special treat!

Here is baby Stella contemplating her new toy bucket...

... and here she is kicking back and enjoying herself!

She even had an opportunity to check out the ornament made for her from her late grandmother's nightgown. That was short lived when she tried to taste it. Better hang that one high on the tree for a couple of years :)
I can't thank you enough, Dana, for sharing these photos. Your daughter is precious, and you ROCK!!
Jennie this is sublime!! :0)
What gorgeous photos and a beautiful baby:)
How wonderful of your customer to share with you (and us).
Thank. YOU. for sharing with us Jennie.
You are truly and inspiration :0)
Love and hugs Donna x
Very cute pictures.
Thanks for sharing.
Just the cutest photos ever!
Olá amiga, passei adorei os seus lindos trabalhos, amei conhecer seu cantinho amava o seguir, caso que queira é só dizer cá estarei de volta, com muito carinho. BJS Rosa
Olá Rosa! Eu usei um serviço de tradução para ler o seu comentário, mas eu não acho que funcionou muito bem. Eu entendi que você quer dizer que tenha gostado do meu trabalho, embora, e eu agradeço por isso. Visite meu blog a qualquer momento ... Eu vou olhar para ver se você tem um blog também. Jennie
How cute is this picture? Very, very cute! Baby Stella is quite adorable and sitting in her basket, she's just plum perfect! The two of them seem to go together...great job!
PS...that's pretty cool being able to converse on your bog in another language...YOU ROCK!!
Awwwwwwww! The basket is beautiful and that child is adorable! It's so wonderful and amazing that you get to see your creation in action, Jennie.
What a cutey pie!! One can clearly see that she loves her pretty basket!
Smiles, Karen
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