As many of you know, I grew up in a Navy family. We moved every year or year and a half throughout my childhood. While this afforded me many new adventures and challenges, it also left me wondering just what it would be like to live in one place for many years. To grow up in a town where you truly knew your community. To be the one to welcome the newcomers, to have friends "forever". To know how far deep roots can grow.
While we may not be in our "forever" place, (indeed we probably definitely are not), it has been such a neat experience to have Sophie live her first five years in this home. To have the librarians, grocery clerks and thrift store cashiers know her by name. For her to randomly run into someone she knows and say, "Gosh Mom, I seem to know everyone around here!"
Another cool thing about staying put is getting to go to some of our same favorite places year after year. I was thrilled when I uploaded pictures from our recent trip to Cox Farms and found the photos from all of our other years there too. So, besides celebrating this amazing organizational feat, my treasure to share this week is a half-decade tour de pumpkin patch with my favorite Halloween-loving munchkin...
October 2006


October 2007
October 2008

October 2009
October 2010
Here's hoping that you are creating many of your own fond memories this fall :)
I know just what you mean. We weren't military, but we did move around A LOT! New schools all the time, seemed like whenever we would get close friends it would be time to move along. It was tough and I just wanted to find the right place and stay there! LOL, I'm happy to say that has happened and it's really great!!
Love the autumn pictures...they are precious!
Smiles, Karen
What a special, touching post, Jennie! Thank you so much for sharing. It's amazing to see how much your munchkin changed in just one year!
she's so adorable!
That's my wonderful baby!!! She's as grans a treasure as her Mama was/is!!!
what a darlin!
i noticed that the pumpkins in each picture are getting bigger too. i hate to tell you jennie... but you can't keep her little, no matter how big those pumpkins next to her are. ;)
thanks for sharing. xo
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