After all of the difficulties of last week, it was a welcome break to just spend some time enjoying the snow and being together this weekend.


Here's our big girl trudging back up the slope with the sled. She much preferred it when Daddy would drag her up on the sled. That happened maybe one time, but she was usually able to convince one of us to drag the sled for her.
After one too many facefulls of snow yesterday, I got smart and let Mike ride in front sometimes.
Here we are in a jumble at the bottom of the hill. Daddy and his girls... that commute from hell is becoming more of a distant memory.
If you haven't been sledding in awhile, I highly recommend it!! I'm going to be sore tomorrow, but it will be totally worth it :)
Aw! How sweet! We haven't ventured outside to try sledding this year. This post inspired me to toughen up and take my babe out to play in the snow!
That looks like so much fun! I would love to go sledding, but the weather has been so up and down lately. We were forecasted to get 4-8" of snow the other day, and only got a little, and now it's 59 degrees!
Go enjoy some hot cocoa. :-)
you know when you see a great looking couple and you're like "wow"? you and ur hubby look like you totally belong together! and ur hubs has a beard!!! bearded hubbies rock! my hubby has one of those wild "fisherman dock worker" beards that I just love! just wanted to say that! snow is headed my way too, but I sadly have no place to sled, and I don't even own one! shucky darn! your little girl is such a snow bunny! so cute!
This brought smiles to my face. So sweet to see sosomuchfun!
looks so much fun!! glad to see you having a break, hardworking lady! :)
I used to do it when I was little back in Spain, but I was using a big garbage plastic bag!!...I still can feel the pain on my butt every times I hit a rock!lol
All of your comments really warmed my heart- you all are just the best! Thank you so much for visiting my blog and taking the time to leave a message- it really means a great deal to me.
What lovely photos you're sharing Jennie :0)
I'm pleased the snow hasn't got you all down :)
Have a great week,
Love a very 'green' Donna xx LOL
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