Look what I found! Eighteen of these gorgeous milkglass spice jars! Some of the stickers have smudges or scratches that won't come off, but the glass jars themselves are in perfect condition. If I were to keep these, I'd soak off the stickers and make or buy my own labels. But, I'm not planning to keep them. Look for this awesome set in sosovintage sometime soon :)
i notice, you sell most of the cool stuff you find....do you ever keep any treasures for your self? I would find that hard to sell if I found something so great, you have alot of will power for selling those cool treasures! Me, I would hoard and keep everything! lol
I agree with Minx's Den. Lately when I visit the thrift shop, I pick up stuff for me--vintage bags, jewelry, and other assorted goodies. So hard to let the good stuff go!
Aaww Jennie, I have never seen anything like the milk glass items you show us. I love 'em. These are especially gorgeous. I can imagine them with some beautiful labels on too...
Believe me, Lauren and Victoria- I keep PLENTY! I love the hunt, and truly get satisfaction out of "rescuing" these treasures from secondhand shops, loving them for a time, and then sending them on to good homes. When I find something that I know no one will ever love more than I do, I keep it. Everything else must go to where it will be most cared for... so that I can keep buying more :)
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