

Here she is all rolled up and ready to travel to her new home to be with her little sister. She was born last night at about 9:45 PM. She is 60 inches long and 24 inches wide. BUT, can you guess how much she weighs? Leave a comment with your best estimate, and I'll be back to reveal her "birth weight" later this evening :)
I love it! I'll guess... 8lbs?
Very nice artesanato, I loved that!!!
love it!!...I am really bad at guessing but lets say ...5lbs?
so pretty, I'd say close to 10 lbs?
OMG....she is one beautiful little lady! I LOVE her...sight unseen, so to speak and she's all mine!!!! She does, in fact, look just like her older, yet much smaller, sister; who, by the way, is just as lovely! Not only beautiful, her older wee sister is veryyyyy soft and warm under my feet and I cannot wait to get this baby into her new home, right beside her sis!! Thank You soooo much! You are an artist in every way...from your fabric selection, to the design, measurements, and lastly, a one of a kind work of art!!
I'll guess her birth weight at 11 lbs, 8 oz! Good Luck to all who ventured a guess!!!
6 pounds 7 oz? that's my guess anyhow...that was my hubby's birth weight any how...my birthweight was 4 lbs 4 oz, but I don't think that gorgeous rug weighs that little....lol
Thanks so much for your kind comments and guesses, everyone! You were all close to the right ballpark, though demandablog was the closest with 8 pounds.
The final weigh in was 7 pounds,
15 ounces. A big baby!!!
I love that rug! How do you really do it? Cut strips (how wide strips approx? 1 inch, 2inch...) and how do you attach one strip to another to make a looooong strip? And which size crochet hook do you use. I want to make one too.
Lol, Annette- you crack me up! I use the largest hook I have- I think it's the largest that is made. An R maybe? or an S? I attach my strips with knots and then weave in the ends... some people sew the strips together, though. So, the longer the strip, the easier your work load! The width of the strips depends on the thickness of the fabric...average is two inches for this rug, though. Play around and have fun! These rugs tend to look good no matter what :)
It is a beaut!
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