
Before you wag your finger at me for swiping my daughter's sheet, let me explain that this is to be her very own Easter basket. Last year I got so caught up in making baskets for the shop and other people that my own babe didn't have one of these beauties. (Bad, bad mom. Though I'll admit that all along I've been banking on the idea that kids ultimately don't remember anything from before they are 5 years old) In any case, now she can be the princess of the egg hunt!
cute!!!!...I love it!!
How did you know I was going to tell you off and wag my finger at you :0)
I think it's lovely Sophie has got the BEST basket ever!
Your post made me think of the cobblers story..d'you know that one? LOL.
so pretty!!!
Donna~ Not sure about the cobbler's story...maybe we call it something else?
Thanks, Laura and Evelyn :)
Oh, it's gorgeous!
Your basket is very beautiful!! The fact that it will become an heirloom makes it that much more valuable! I'm so glad that you were able to ceate this special basket for my Granddaughter!! She will be thrilled with her very own "Mama made ME an Easter Basket"!! She loves the things you create and she also knows how much time and effort you put into your craft. I know it will be her very best treasure and will always have a special place in her heart!! Thank You, it's so perfect!!! Love ya!
Jennie you and your mom are so lovely!
You have such a nice mum leaving such lovely comments, and thinking so much of her daughter and granddaughter:0)
I love your mom too :0) lol
The cobblers story is a looonnngg one.
But basically the cobbler was always so busy making everybody elses shoes in the kingdom, that he didn't realise his own poor children never had any decent shoes to wear, or even went without. And nobody believed the children that their Father was the cobbler because he made such divine shoes and they had none :(
LOL :0)
Love n hugs,
Donna xxxxxxxxx
Oh my goodness, Donna~ that IS just like my story!!! I think I have heard that one before, now that you tell it, but it's a good one to keep in mind. Thanks for loving my mum- she's quite wonderful and I'm a lucky lady :)
Jennie, I must admit, I was about to wag my finger before I realized that the gorgeous basket was going to your princess. The sheet really does match perfectly! That's amazing. It's great that the basket will have that personal connection. Well done! :-)
This is gorgeous and I know she will definitely be the princess of the egg hunt! I love the ruffly ribbons -- so yummy
Your daughter will be very happy with this. How very lovely.
It's absolutely gorgeous!! Your daughter will be so happy with her uniquely-hers basket, and family heirloom!
Smiles, Karen
loving your fabric crochet! what a beautiful easter basket, so so pretty!
Saw some fabric crochet on huge hooks with balls of fabrci strips at the Knitting and Stitching show last year at Alexandra place, London - fab!!
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