Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Oh No You Di-int

The majority of my interactions on etsy range from friendly to ultra-pleasant.  But eeeeeevery once in awhile a nutjob slips through the cyber cracks.  Now I certainly won't go so low as to post names with these tidbits, but I thought it could be kind of fun and educational to share the kind of message that an online shopowner will deal with from time to time. 
In an attempt to gather different perspectives, I'm hoping that people will give their reactions in the comment section and perhaps thoughts about what the appropriate response would be.  At the end of the day today, I will leave a comment with the response that I gave.  Are you ready for installment one?  The following message came to me from a person I have never met or spoken with...
YOU to....WHY?????? are you cutting up the vintage sheets,...STOP ....you can not

find them...STOP IT.....let the customes that buy them from you,deside that....not you...

what is wrong with you....I could understand if they were stained..or torn...but these were

perfectly good sheets..PLEASE STOP...they are going to be destint...
So, there you have it- in its entire unedited glory.   Discuss...


  1. Dear Concerned etsy customer,

    Yes, I can see your point of view. I hope you can see mine. These fabrics were given away to thrift shops and so on as unusable or unwanted. I bought them, brought them home, gave them a warm and careful bath, and lovingly made them into a new life. They were then purchased by someone who absolutely loved them in their new purpose and will have them for many years to come. I hope you understand the "circle of life and love" I have created!

  2. Ha ha ha ha ha ha! I know exactly what I would have written back: Nothing at all! Best not to "feed the trolls"

  3. I like Emily's answer! We often talk about the "trolls" that come out of the bridges to taunt shop owners. I have quite a few of them myself.

    I think your answer would be something along the lines of pama's post, although you might have wanted to say it in a slightly nastier way but didn't!

    I wonder if she writes all those who use vintage items for steampunk, vintage dishes for mosaics, vintage dishes for birdbaths or vintage sewing buttons for jewelry (count to 10 Karen). Um, I doubt she'd write me about using an old dictionary for my paper beads though. :o)

  4. Thanks so much for the responses, pama, Emily and Karen!

    So, yeah, my first instinct was to defend my honor. Then I reread the message out loud in my best over the top Seinfeld episode voice and totally cracked myself up. I decided that anyone who had the time to write such a nasty message to a complete stranger wasn't anyone I wanted in my life. I did not reply, but I did, however, report the message as spam and send a copy to abuse@etsy.com.

    I hope there won't be many of these, but as I get them, I will share. Safety in numbers, y'all!

  5. Seriously, but who are they to judge you?

  6. Good job! And thanks for sharing, I LOL-ed, for reals.

  7. Good for you Jennie.It really is none of their business and you should not be obliged to give reasons for/defend your actions/ justify it at all, although I think Pama's response summed it all up nicely!
    Gill xx


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