Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Wednesday's Works

There have been lots of things happening over here, and I have been perfectly, pleasantly busy.  If you look closely at this basket, you'll see some little buttons on the fabric.  This is from the same button fabric stasher as Monday's project, though this one is for her very own self.  We discussed lots of possibilities, but I do think that after all, this is what the fabric wanted to be.
This project was made for the same room as the basket above, and it has a very specific place/purpose.  Anyone care to guess what it might be?  No guesses from you, Karen- I think you know!!
No photo yet of the last project I've been working on.  I'm hoping to have it to share for Thursday's Treasure tomorrow, though!


  1. OMG, are you kidding me? You are, aren't you? OMG! How awesome are both of them? I'm having a hard time keeping my mouth shut!

    You are SO awesome!

  2. Well now I'm more curious than ever....what is it...pray tell....I won't tell on you if you tell me Karen!! teeeeheee

  3. Um, maybe a hint, Ma. Let's see, both items are for a certain room in my house. Guess the room and then where the mystery item will go! :o)

    Sorry, Jennie, I'm too excited to keep it to myself for too longer!

  4. Oh, woe is me!!! There are so many rooms in a house! Let's start with the bathroom...both the bowl and rug (?) are such pretty colors for a bathroom....and then, well if that's not the right about a nursery....a boy child perhaps? Such fun!!

  5. OK- I'll say it IS for a powder room. But it isn't *just* a rug. Where oh where could it go?

  6. Ohhhhhh, me oh my...mmmmm....a bath mat...or a tank topper....or a hand oh my!

  7. It IS a tank topper! You win the prize :)

  8. Whew, I was about to burst! I looked for hours for a tank topper and this is perfect! Jennie, seriously, you need to market these, there's nothing out there until now!

    Ma, my new powder room is being done in a 50's style. All black, white and aqua. Didn't Jennie do great?

  9. She sure did!! My own bathroom is done in black, white, and a pale!! I have a same bathroom color buddy! Nice to meet you! :)


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