Thursday, January 31, 2013

Thursday's Treasure

It's our lucky week!  We have yet another customer's wonderful work to drool over.  Nicole from Auli'i Baby has created baby dresses with the vintage fabric she purchased from sosovintage!
This sweet pink one is size 18 months.
And the blue one is 12 months.  Where were these cuties when my girl was a little peanut?!
Nicole is from Waimea, Hawaii, and the word "auli'i" in her shop name is Hawaiian for cute, dainty, and exquisite.  One step into her shop, and you'll see creations that make you think exactly those things!  Best of all, Nicole offers ready made AND custom baby dresses that are super affordable.   Happy shopping!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Wednesday's Works

My GIANT string bowl is finally finished!  It measures 50 cm. wide and 20 cm. high, and is destined for a final home in South Korea.
I love the lines of the stitches.  Would you believe almost 3500 feet of string went into this?
I couldn't resist having Sophie climb in to help show the scale of this basket!   While I was at it, I had her model the other thing I've been working on: this adorable hat!  This is my first effort at the new pattern I purchased on Etsy.  More details and a final version of the hat will come in another post.
Gotta love my goofy girl!  She makes taking product photos so much fun. 

Monday, January 28, 2013

Makeover Monday: 1/28

The makeover this week is courtesy of another talented sosovintage customer!  This House N' Home fabric was purchased earlier this month by a California shopper.
A few days later, I received this photo!  The fabric has been given new life as a kitchen valance.  The swiss cheese and mushrooms never looked so good!  Thanks so much for sharing your work with us :)

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Saturday, January 26, 2013

More About Shipping

There was a comment on yesterday's post about hoping that Etsy would assist with the shipping issue affecting so many of their sellers.  Unfortunately, there isn't anything Etsy as a whole can do about this.  Each shop owner, while "governed" under Etsy's Terms of Use, maintains their own shop policies and prices.  There is no global way to change everyone's prices, nor would we want this. 
What Etsy has done is allow sellers to create and save shipping profiles- templates for prices to certain countries based on the size and weight of the item.   And, we can "bulk edit" to apply these templates a page at a time.  If your shop carries the same sort of item, with maybe a couple of different sizes or weights, changing your templates and applying them isn't too labor intensive.  I have already been able to finish changes in sosorosey for this reason. 
But when you have a vintage shop, with almost 600 items for sale, ranging widely in size and shape and weight, each listing must be carefully considered.   So far in sosovintage I have changed all of the fabric listings, and created about 5 shipping profiles identified by weight.  At this time, I am not including international shipping estimates on items weighing over 4 pounds. 
 A HUGE lifesaver for me in creating my profiles has been the shipping calculator created by an Etsy seller and shared on her blog.  If you need to do what I am doing this weekend, you'll want to visit and bookmark this page right now:
I am often touched by the kindness and generosity of the Etsy community as a whole.  There are so many talented and kind people, and it's wonderful to be a part of that.  We will get through this "Giant Shipping Price Increase Crisis of 2013" together!!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Friday's Favorite Fabric Finds

Happy Friday!  It's been one crazy week, and it will be followed by another.  It seems the school schedule is changing by the minute due to weather and teacher workdays at the end of the quarter.  Just trying to go with the flow over here, and keep up with my crochet orders. 
The major USPS 2013 price hike goes into effect 1/27, and it is throwing a monkey wrench into my plans for the weekend.  I need to find the best way to update over 800 listings with accurate shipping prices- and fast.  International shipping is going up over 100% to many countries!  Arghh.
Let's have some sweet cottage goodness to calm things down, shall we?
I can't pick a favorite this week!  The rose one is made all the sweeter with the dots, isn't it?  I've had the pink, yellow and aqua colorways of the middle sheet, but this pretty green is new to me.  And the elephants?  Who can pass up pink elephants?
 If you're looking for me this weekend, I'll be chained to my computer.  How about you?

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Thursday's Treasure

Snow day!!  A teeny tiny dusting- maybe an inch- and school was closed for the day.  Sophie and I enjoyed sleeping in, though, and she got to take a walk in the woods with her dad.
I love the light when all is white outside.  Most of it is gone now, but *they* say more is on the way tomorrow evening.  We shall see!!  How has your winter been so far? 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Wednesday's Works

My giant string basket is growing!  So far the base is about 18" wide- going out to almost 20" before starting to go up.
I finished this natural cream cotton runner in record time.  She is 12" by 48" and ready to head to her new home in Fleetwood, PA!
What have you been working on this week?

Monday, January 21, 2013

Makeover Monday: 1/21

The Easter basket I told you about last week is finished!  She is made of four different fabrics, and has not 4, not 6, but EIGHT rows of ruffles.
At ten and a half inches wide and six inches deep, this baby will hold a bunny's ransom of candy and other treats.  She's ready to head off to Nebraska tomorrow!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Appliance Covers

I love the idea of a toaster cover.  I mean, who wants to look at a toaster?  I was so pleasantly surprised to find these new old stock linen covers at the thrift the other day!  These are the three prints I found, but I got a total of six covers.  SIX!
They all still have their original Parisian Prints stickers!  The top two are about 14" long, 7" deep and 6" wide.  The bottom one is 10" by 7.5" by 6".  Can you think of what you would do with them if you didn't use them for toasters?  Do you cover your appliances?

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Recipe Cards

I have found a lot of vintage recipe cards in my day, but these are by far my favorites!  The colors, the graphics, the sheer SWANKINESS!  I'll have these listed in sosovintage in sets of 12 (3 of each color) for $5.  Do you use recipe cards or have you received a recipe on a card?  Wouldn't these be extra special to use for a cookie exchange party?  Can you think of any other uses for these... maybe party invitations?  I'd hang a set on a kitchen inspiration board!  Or frame a set as a fun gift for a special chef!  Hmm- I'd better be sure to keep a set for myself...

Friday, January 18, 2013

Friday's Favorite Fabric Finds

It's been a dreary week in general, but the sun is shining today and who doesn't love a bold, bright vintage fabric?  Check out these loud lovelies :
The top fabric is actually from a homemade duvet cover, and it looks to be 100% cotton.  I have the middle one in the blue/green and pink colorways, so it's nice to have this one for the collection.  This last one is flaming hot and just like new.
Also, I've put together another January bundle of fat quarters.  Just like the last one, these 10 first quality fabric fat quarters are being offered as a set at 20% off the single fq price.  I have February's first bundle just about ready to go, too.  Pinks and reds and purples... yum!
We have a holiday weekend here in the US, so no school for Sophie on Monday.  No big plans, either.  How about you?  Anything special on your weekend agenda?

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Thursday's Treasure

I'm so excited about the personalized Valentine treat bags I ordered for Sophie!  I found these on etsy (of course) from a seller named wreathartist.  While she specializes in wedding type things like unity candles and signs, she has just started to carry these personalized treat bags as well.  The food safe bags are almost 5" by 7", so they will hold plenty of cookies or candy!  The seller was very quick to respond to my messages and had the proof to me within hours.  The bags were made and shipped by the next day!  I can't wait to see them in person, and I know they will make classroom Valentine giving extra special for my little love. 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Wednesday's Works

Whew! What a busy week it has been. I was so sorry to hear that some of you have been under the weather. Unfortunately, I have to add myself to that list too. I don't have the "itis" as Sophie calls what she had, but I guess I have a cold that really has left me down and out for a couple of days. Here's hoping we are all on the upswing soon!
My stair tread yarn arrived in the mail pretty quickly, and I have been working at those for a couple of days.  Here they are pictured next to the paint colors for the hall/stairwell.  Looking good!
We had a change of fabric for the Easter basket, so it will now be made of these fabrics instead of the ones shown on Monday.  I'm looking forward to starting this project very soon.
I sold a rosey snuggle set the other day, and had a bit of a panic as I needed to remember my pattern!  Fortunately, the old brain is still functioning and I was able to  recall all of the important details.
Add to this mix a little rug and a giant bowl, and I'll be crocheting away for the foreseeable future.  I love it!  What have you been busy with this week? 

Monday, January 14, 2013

Makeover Monday: 1/14

The first sosorosey Easter basket of 2013 has been ordered!  These 3 fabrics will combine to make a large (10.5" diameter, 6" deep) ruffled basket for someone's very special little granddaughter.  Stay tuned for photos of the finished project in the next week or so :)

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Playing Catch Up

Apologies for not having Friday's Fabrics to share this week.  The whole "Sophie sick" thing set me back in more ways than one.  I am behind in just about every aspect of my life, as a matter of fact.  So, this weekend I will face the mountain of laundry and the other obligations nipping at my heels.  Hoping to be back in the swing of things by Monday. 
I did get to visit a favorite thrift store yesterday, though.  This is just a small sample of the teeny tiny animals I found.  Looking forward to getting the menagerie photographed soon!  Wishing you all a happy and productive weekend!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Thursday's Treasure

Talented seamstress Kiley from New York recently shared this quirky and delightful quilt that she made for her son using some of her sosovintage fabrics.  I love that she didn't use a pattern and just let her imagination piece it together.  You can read more about Kiley and the process she used to make this sweet blankie on her blog, Always Come Home.   Enjoy!
PS- Still looking for more guesses on yesterday's post!  No one has gotten it yet :)

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Wednesday's Works

Besides caring for my sick Sophie and filling a few Etsy orders, I haven't been up to too much this past week.  I do, however, have a super exciting new custom order to tell you about!
A lovely customer in Vermont is moving to a new home.  She had a fantastic idea for her new space, and wrote to ask me what I thought.  I was all in from the beginning!
She shared the two paint colors she'll be using for the area in question.  The gray is called Pearl Gray from Sherwin Williams "Suburban Modern Restoration Line".  The yellow is from the same line, called Sunbeam Yellow. 
Below each you can see the yarn colors I found for her.  Gotta give myself props on this one- they look really good with the paint colors, don't you think?  The cotton is Red Heart Creme de la Creme- dark linen and golden yellow.
I am dying to get to work on this, but I had to order the yarn online.  So I am waiting.  Impatiently.
Now, it wouldn't be a Jennie post if I just flat out told you what the project is.  Let the guessing begin!!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Tuesday's Treat

I guess the kids cleaned out their folders at school for the new year, because last week Sophie came home with a giant passel of papers.  This is one of the pages in her "my family" book, and it is way too cute not to share.  You can click on the photo to enlarge and read easier.   Let's see if you can figure out that last word on line three :)

Saturday, January 5, 2013

About Time

It has been eons since I've listed a scrap pack, and my pile is out of control.  I'll be listing them in color groups for the foreseeable future, in one pound bundles.  Here is the first of the pounders in blue.  20 different fabrics, $5 and $5 shipping.  Get 'em while they last :)

Friday, January 4, 2013

Friday's Favorite Fabric Finds...Yes!

A big, big thank you going out to Kiley for her html trick to uploading pictures.  I wonder if it will be this way from now on?  In any case, here are the new goods coming to the soso-shelves soon:

I've actually had 2 of these three fabrics before, but it's been awhile.  The gold floral in the middle also looks vaguely familiar- I think I had it in a different colorway.  Maybe blue?  Or green?  Not sure, but they are all lovely and I have bunches if you have a big project in mind.
AND!  Look at this sweet bundle of fat quarters just waiting for a new owner!  I've decided to make bundles of the month for sosovintage, and I hope they are a success.  For January, I'm going with the color blue.  This first bundle will be a "one of a kind" because it includes a couple of fabrics that I no longer have available.  It is first quality fabric being sold as a set (no substitutions) for 20% off the price of individual fats.  No further discounts apply to this purchase.  Still, 10 for $20 with just $5 US shipping... can't beat that, right?  I can tell I'm going to love making these combos.  I have other ideas in the works, and would love to hear any requests you fabric lovers may have :)

Friday's Favorite Fabric Finds... Not!

Well.  I have three new fabrics to share, and have tried several times to attach the photos.  Blogger is not playing nice!  Is anyone else out there having trouble? 

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Thursday's Treasure

For New Year's Eve, we ventured out to the main square in historic Gettysburg, PA.  The tree was all lit up, as were many of the establishments.
We arrived at the Blue and Gray for dinner around 7 o'clock.  Sophie enjoyed doing some coloring with her Nana.
And some dancing with her Pa.
After we stayed warm inside for as long as possible, we ventured back outside.  By then, music was cranking, bands were getting set up, and vendors were ready to sell funnel cakes, light up hats, hot chocolate, and soul food.  Yep, it's a pretty bad photo, but I thought it was cute that Sophie had a chance to pose with her dad and Lincoln.  I should probably know who the other guy is, but I don't.
I don't know EXACTLY how cold it was, but I can tell you that I was not wearing enough clothes.  We still managed to party through several songs of the first band before heading back to the car.  Sophie made it up until 10 o'clock- her closest to midnight yet!  The adults played Scrabble, watched the ball drop, and then enjoyed the town fireworks... from the kitchen window.  It was a fun and memorable evening for sure. 
How about you?  How did you spend New Year's Eve?

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Wednesday's Works

My most recent work has centered around celebrating the new year and getting back into our post-holiday routine.  I've squeaked in a little crocheting, though.
I already have plenty of hearts in sosorosey, but these are ever so slightly different.
Crocheted from a strand of white along with a Valentine-y color, these are a bit larger and more sturdy than the single color ones.  They are still very lightweight, though, making them perfect for Valentine tree decorations.
They will be listed as sets of three for $8.00, but can of course be made in different size sets and any color combination.  In online sales, it's never too early to plan for the next holiday!