At the risk of making you drool all over your keyboard, I thought I would post photos of my lucky finds from last night!
Have I gone on and on yet about my favorite thrift store ever? The one that is 10 minutes away and as large as a department store? The one where everything is bright, and the staff is super friendly and hard-working, and the inventory is always fresh, clean, and awesome?
The one where everything in the store is 30-50% off on Mondays,
that has a sheet and pillowcase section 4 aisles long?
I'd better stop there... I'm sure your heart is beating dangerously fast.
As much as I love to find special vintage fabrics like these, it always makes me a teeny bit sad too. I imagine that someone's parent or grandparent has passed away, and they have cleaned out the house and sorted the possessions. Why oh why wouldn't they keep these sheets?
*sigh* I guess not everyone appreciates their beauty.
Do you have a favorite local secondhand shop? Do you have an idea for what you'd like to see me make with these? Post a comment- you know I love to hear from you :)