Friday, September 30, 2011

Friday's Favorite Fabric Finds

Well, TGIF, friends.  All I can say is that I hope your week has been better than mine.  I'll give you the short version of my major woe: check engine light, spark plugs and coils, exhaust manifold gasket, all THREE catalytic converters.  Not necessarily in that order, but with a combined work estimate of, um, about $5000.  So, yeah.  Your week is bound to have been better!  Here's to a great weekend, because I'm sure we could all use one.  And in that spirit, here are some beautiful fabrics coming to sosovintage today!
Such a unique color combo for a vintage sheet- love the blue ferns with the orange flowers
These pretty pink flowers have a toile-like detail to them... very delicate
Yummy cranberry and blues with an asian flair

And my favorite find of the week- these big pink hibiscus flowers with the violet and orange accents.
This was a real score because it was a whole 4 piece set.  The pillowcase pair is for sale in the shop, too!
We are supposed to finally have some fall-like weather this weekend, so we're hoping to get apple picking or to a fall fair or some such thing.  Whatever it is, we'll be celebrating October for sure!  Be sure to come on back soon- I have a game of "Price is Right" up my sleeve for the weekend, and a multi-fabric makeover set for Monday!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Thursday's Treasure

Oh, how I love it when a customer asks, "Do you think you could....?".  I especially love it when I can say YES! - or at the very least, let me try and see.
Someone wondered the other day if I could make one of my fabric stars larger.  I replied that I absolutely could- how large was she thinking, and what color did she want?  She wasn't fixed on a certain size- just wanted it to be large and sturdy.  And peacock blue, deep yellow, and shades of green. 
I poked around in my fabric stash and quickly realized I wasn't going to find one fabric with all of those colors.  So I had a personal *aha* moment and realized I could use several fabrics, which would also help me increase the size.
I couldn't wait to make this last night, and I absolutely LOVE the look of this new extra large star.  It measures a whopping 10.5" from point to point!  The blend of fabrics can really tie a room together, and this is strong and sizable enough to hang on a wall or front door.  Gone are the days of worrying over not having the right colors in a star fabric- this is like making my own fabric.  And, like snowflakes and fingerprints, no two of these will ever be the same!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Holiday Preview

I'm not one to rush through Halloween or Thanksgiving just to get to Christmas.  BUT, I also like to have new Christmas things in time to use them.  So, in that spirit, I thought I'd share a few items coming to sosovintage soon.  There's the Vera poinsettia kitchen towel above...
this awesome stacking cup from Japan...
cotton fabric yardage from a vintage tablecloth...
LOTS of holiday cards...
and even a cute little reindeer story that would display so nicely for a vintage Christmas tableau!
Beginning in October, I will have a dedicated place in my shop for all things holiday.  Look for these goodies and more in the *celebrate* section soon!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Fancy This!

My fabulously talented and wonderful friend Donna over at Little Tiny Stitches is a stitchery queen.  She envisions the neatest combinations of pictures and words and trims and edgings, and puts them all together in bits like this art quilt above.  I happen to own one of her delightful needlecases, and it is one of my most prized possessions!
As an extra special touch to the work shown above (inspired by THIS post), Donna embellished it with this fancy button stitching.  She made this her own by using a bead-held sequin for the flower head.  Isn't that so clever?  Thanks so much for sharing, Donna- I know your work will inspire others to add unexpected fancy details as well!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Makeover Monday: 9/26

In honor of fall finally arriving- even if it is in name only at this point- I chose this harvesty leafy paisley pillowcase for today's project.
The result... a happy little "ball bowl" with autumnal pops of color!

And, a request for a baby's first ornament star with purple led me to this receiving blanket.

Paired with a lavender ribbon and name charm, it is a purple star fit for a brand new princess!
Happy Monday, dear friends!  And happy birthday to my hubby, too!  I have a week full of errands and appointments ahead of me.  How about you... any special plans for this last week of September?

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Stop Thief!

My petunias have been dying off.  I figured it was just the change in weather...until I caught this bushy-tailed bandit pink-pawed (like red-handed, but much cuter) in my planter.  Who knew these blooms were such a delicacy?  He's lucky I'm ready for summer to be over!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Friday's Favorite Fabric Finds

TGIF!  Here are a few new/old fun prints for your viewing pleasure.  These will be in sosovintage later today:

Pink with a hummingbird
These colors remind me of the winter holidays... they are coming, you know.
Daffodils and dots
Yves St. Laurent geometric goodness
And my favorite for the week... I adore the heart shaped leaves and stunning colors!
We are having some major rain today, so the *Panda picnic* has been rescheduled.  Be sure to come back tomorrow for a funny photo that I snapped today.  Have yourself a great weekend!!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Thursday's Treasure

You may recognize this ruffled bowl from a few weeks ago.  But how cool is it to see it beside the outfit it is made from, WORN by the person meant to be remembered?  That is my late grandmother from Michigan, and the bowl was special ordered by my aunt.  She had the idea to display the bowl with the photo, and I thought it was the most special touch ever!
My aunt had this bowl especially made for her daughter, my cousin Jody.  The photo shows our grandmother wearing this outfit at Jody's wedding.  The bowl and photo were given to Jody recently, and I received some very, very kind words about the reaction the gift got.  A big thank you to my Uncle Phil for snapping the photos, and to Aunt Irene for sending them... twice!!  xoxoxo

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Are you a Parenthood fan?  This theme song caught my initial attention, and the show itself has me hooked!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Around the World and Back Again

It is always such a pleasant surprise when a customer leaves a photo with their feedback.  I was so happy to hear that these little leaf dishes made it to their new home in Hong Kong safely.  They have certainly been around the globe, since they originated in Japan decades ago! 
And speaking of international travels, has anyone else been experiencing slower than usual packages to Australia and the UK?  I'm wondering if it has to do with the flooding that happened around my area from Irene and Lee, since that's around the time the packages were mailed.  I know 4 weeks isn't *unheard of*, but it sure is nervewracking waiting for things to get where they need to be, isn't it? 

Monday, September 19, 2011

Makeover Monday: 9/19

Well, I'm excited to see a few new sosorosey followers- welcome!  For those who don't know, the first photo here is the curtain fabric that my customer wanted me to match.  The last photo shows the fabrics I chose to work with.  I had so many photos to share for today's makeover, I decided to play around with the bighugelabs mosaic maker (again).  I'm very pleased with the way this keeper came out, and I sure hope my customer is, too. 
This is shaping up to be a "school filled" week.  Back-to-School night is Tuesday, where I get to go in and find out all about the class rules, routines, etc.  Then on Friday, we have a "panda picnic" at the school from 5-7.  My folks will be joining us for that, and then staying for the weekend to celebrate Mike's birthday.  He doesn't officially turn 48 until the 26th, but this way we can all have some fun together.  What do you have going on this week?

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Daily Dose of Cute

You know me and my vintage playing card obsession.  Well, the other day I spotted a bag full of 6 decks of cards.  Five of the decks were plain, basic, new.  One deck, the one holding the little gem above, was a tattered old box held together with masking tape.  I could make out the words "animal rummy" on the side, but there wasn't any identifying info.  No year.  No images.  For $2, I decided to take the chance.  It worked out well for me- and for my cashier friend.  I opened the bag after I paid, gave her the 5 newer decks for her kids and slipped my ratty old box into my bag.  When I got home, I discovered the most precious deck of cards I think I've ever seen- complete with seals, kittens, elephants, puppies, lions and more.  This bunny is my favorite, but if you'd like to see any of the other animals, just let me know :)

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Fungus Amongus

The massive rains of late have produced a bumper crop of toadstools in the neighborhood.  Sophie and I count them on the way to the bus stop.  They crop up overnight!  We marvel at their sizes, shapes, and colors.  I've never seen mushrooms like some of these, and I thought you might like to have a peek!
You can't tell from the photo, but this guy is huge.  I thought it was fake when I first saw it.
Reddish pink- who knew they came in such pretty colors?
This one looks like it has wings!
I never knew that mushrooms started out closed like this, then over time they open and eventually curl upwards.
This bright yellow one was one of my favorites!
As gross as it is, my post would not be complete without this monstrosity.  While many of the photos in this post were not taken of mushrooms in my actual yard, this particular one is.  I really did a triple take when I first spotted this bizarrely bloated creature emerging from my yucca plant.  It has since begun to shrivel, but have you ever had the displeasure of smelling decomposing mushrooms?  Ugh!  While I used to stare at this at length, now I walk quickly by while holding my breath.  It's always an adventure here in the forest!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Friday's Favorite Fabric Finds

It's been a beautiful week!  The weather is beginning to feel like fall, and the vintage sheets are popping up all over town.  I've recently added a special coupon code for all of you vintage fabric lovers.  Purchase 10 or more fat quarters and receive 20% off of your order.  Just enter code SOSOFAB upon checkout- easy peasy to stock up and save!  Here are this week's faves:
Groovy flower power!  I've had this one in my charm packs for awhile, and now I have enough to share as fat quarters or more.
Sassy yellow, peach and orange mix

Blue and yellow poppies with lavender accents.

And my favorite for this week: pink and lavender poppies with coral peach accents.
I've been easing into my new life as a mom of a school aged child.  Not much is new this week. 
What's going on in your life?

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thursday's Treasure

I found these three pieces of Hazel Atlas pink platonite on two separate trips to the same thrift store.  Different days.  Makes me wonder how many pieces I might have found if I'd gone every day for a week.  The fired on pink is so smooth, and the scallop edge and detailing are  From my google research I learned that the design is called "Newport hairpin".  Someone is going to be very lucky to add these lovelies to their collection!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Work in Progress

The jade bowl is finished!  I don't want to show too much, because it is a surprise for someone.  She (the bowl, not the person) is on her way north with her ruffly sister.  Safe travels :)
Here is another shot of the fabric I shared last week.  The fabric is called "Cornwall Garden" and my customer is having curtains made (on Etsy, of course) from this.  She shared the photo to inspire me to choose colors that will create a lidded clutter keeper to match.
Here are the fabrics I chose...

... and here is the keeper so far.  I'll post more photos of the finished project- hopefully in time for Makeover Monday!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

All In The Details

I found this adorable baby dress at the thrift store the other day.  At first glance, it looked vintage.  Once I got a good look, however, I realized it is a modern day handmade dress with classic styling.  Though I can't sell it in sosovintage, and I have NO plans to have any more children myself, I do have a friend who is expecting a girl.... yippee!
The chest smocking is on a lavender gingham panel that coordinates so nicely with the floral fabric.

Sweet eyelet trim along the hem

And the neatest bit of all- look at the way the buttons are attached!  Instead of just using your basic button-sewing technique, this person used lavender and green thread and french knots to create "flowers".  Now you sewing people may have seen this before, but I was just floored by this precious idea.  I want to try this myself!  On what, I have no idea- but I'll find something in Sophie's closet, I'm sure.  You want to try, too?  Great!  Do it and send me a photo ( I'll share your work right here!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Makeover Monday: 9/12

Today's makeover begins with an ultrasoft, houndstoothy gingham cotton flannel receiving blanket.
And with a little crochet magic, it becomes the first "Baby's First Eco-Friendly Ornament" of the 2011 holiday season. 
I have been collecting pretty blankets all summer in hopes that these will remain a popular item for Christmas.  I even kept the 2010 price... truly, where else can you find such a cute gift for $10??  I know, I know...Etsy.  But still....
Saturday's company picnic at the amusement park was an ABSOLUTE blast.  We walked our tails off for about six hours, and it was worth every step.  It was a beautiful day, Sophie was just the right height to be allowed onto many of the rides we all wanted to try, and the food and drinks were plentiful and yummy.  Apparently, I do still have what it takes to ride the coasters.  Not so sure about the aftereffects, though.  I'm hurtin' now- bruised leg, stiff neck, and a definite elbow issue of some sort.  It only hurts when I touch it, though, so you know- I just won't do that! 
Due to the massive rain totals last week and many washed out and dangerous roads in our region, Sophie had no school last Friday.  I am looking forward to a dry, full week of school this week.  Hope you all have the same!!