My dear friend, Jessi, from jessijewels.etsy.com created this lovely treasury the other day and dedicated it to me! I'll take two of everything, please. What a super nice, *just because* gift, don't you think?
What was the last kind thing that you did for someone? Or that someone did for you? Please post a comment and share the love!
That treasury was made to honor someone so sweet and kind, loving and understanding.
You're one of a kind, jennie. A true friend found thru Etsy.
It feels like I've known you all my life and eventhough we've never met in person, I feel that I could pick you out of a crowd. Giving you a great big hug and toasting to frindship over cocktails, appys, and chit chat would be awesome. Someday.
You're the bestest, roseygirl and I love ya. -jessigirl
ps) and that was my R.A.K. for the week, hehe
That was an awesome Treasury! And SO nice of Jessi. :)
Yesterday I contacted the HOST team to donate items to their shop (the proceeds from the shop go to Etsians in need). Haven't heard back from them yet, but once I do that'll be my RAK for the week, I guess. :)
Rosey's treasury... what a sweet thing to do!! Jennie, you're definitely one of the best Etsy friends and so so deserving of that treasury tribute! :)
Big hugs to Jessi and Jennie!!!
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