Before I left for my vacation, I decided to treat myself and order a custom craft apron for my upcoming fair. I went straight to my teammate Amanda at s
ygnetcreations. Within minutes of sending her a message with a general idea of what I wanted (pinks, shabby chic, roses), she came back to me with these three fabrics!

She completed my apron- to my measurements and choice of pocket placement- in record time. It was already here when I got back from vacation, and I LOVE it. I can't wait to wear it on Friday- even if I don't sell one thing, I will be very content (and ultra-organized) just wearing my happy little rosey apron.
With four good sized pockets, there is a perfect place for pens, business cards, cash, and a receipt book. As a special surprise, Amanda even included my shop name on the outside of one of the pockets! Is that cool or what???
I absolutely, positively, very highly recommend Amanda's service and product- if you do craft shows or know someone who does, this is the best $25 you will ever spend.
Ready to go buy your own? Go right
HERE- you'll be *soso* glad you did.