Tuesday, March 31, 2009
I Heart Custom Orders

Monday, March 30, 2009
Makeover Monday: Earth-y Delight

Sunday, March 29, 2009
Spread the Etsy Love

Saturday, March 28, 2009
Pinch Me!

On a whim, I googled home decor blogs. I thought maybe I could find a high-traffic blog and pay for an ad slot as a small step in a bigger direction. I found several, of course, but the one that jumped out at me the most was thedecoratingdiva.com. Before I could think about it too much and chicken out, I sent them a short message introducing myself and my shop and asking for info regarding a potential site/product review. I logged off expecting nothing, but pleased with my itty bitty step.
Fast forward a month and a half. On Monday the 23rd I was flipping through my email, and clicked on my junk mail folder (which I almost never do). Inside that folder was a return message from the decoratingdiva! The message was sent on March 19th, and said that they would like to include one of my rugs in an upcoming article...I just had to have certain information sent to them by 3/23. THREE TWENTY-THREE????!!!! Had I missed the boat?
I sent a reply right away, and asked if I could send the info by that evening. The answer was yes! So, info was gathered and sent, and I sat on pins and needles waiting for the article to come out. What would it say? How would my rug fit into the picture?
On Friday, March 27th, the site was updated with the new article. I almost passed out when I saw the title: Top 12 Stylish Eco-Friendly Rugs - 2009! My big ole rug is #5 on the list; someone pinch me!
The moral of this fairy tale: don't let fear of rejection stop you from exploring new avenues. Do you have a success story too? Please leave a comment and share...you may inspire someone to greatness!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Treasured Treasuries

This stunner, "violet and green", is curated by ArzuMusa and it has 2 more days left to be enjoyed. Clicking on the photo will take you directly to the treasury where you can leave a compliment for the creator!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
And in the Sky...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
And then...

Monday, March 23, 2009
Cute Fix

Sunday, March 22, 2009
Sunday's Secondhand Score

Saturday, March 21, 2009
Before and After

OK, I admit it. I'm a sucker for a makeover. I mean a BIG sucker. Oh yeah- The Biggest Loser, The Swan (remember that one?), What Not To Wear, Extreme Home Makeover...I've seen them all. I realized yesterday that this may be the draw of fabric crochet for me.
Every single time I crochet with a new fabric, it is like a before and after. Sometimes I am surprised, sometimes disappointed, sometimes elated....but no matter what, I am always amazed. Wondering what a particular fabric will look like once cut and crocheted drives me up and down secondhand aisles like a bloodhound on the trail of America's most wanted criminal.
The item above is one of my favorite new "afters"! I so love the way these colors work together that I can't seem to stop making this bowl taller and taller. I think I will make it a clutter keeper. Lid or no lid? That is the question!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Earth Day Challenge: Part 3

I've often wondered how large an item I would have if I crocheted an entire sheet. This lovely vintage Vera sheet by Burlington measured 72 x 104 (inches) before hemming; the round rag rug you see in the photos measures almost 18" across!

Thursday, March 19, 2009
Button Binge

Are these vintage aqua teardrop buttons to die for, or what? These arrived quickly and well-wrapped from sewingvineyard. There are LOTS of unique vintage goodies in that shop, so do stop by if you need a little retail therapy or just a jaunt down memory lane!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
A Halfway Celebration

Hey, guess what? It's Wednesday...we're halfway through the work week! Are you halfway there with any of your projects? Please leave a comment and share your state of mid~ness!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Sample Box Promo Packs

Monday, March 16, 2009
I've Put a Lid On It!

Sunday, March 15, 2009
Totally Terrific Tags

Friday, March 13, 2009
Another Inexplicable Obsession: Vera

No, not the waitress from Mel's Diner. That really WOULD be inexplicable, wouldn't it? This Vera is Vera Neumann, the first VERA of design fame, the Amy Butler of the 60s. Much like the vintage pink towels I shared with you in a previous post, I am unable to NOT purchase these old Vera items when I cross their path. I have no idea why. Well, yes I do...they make me happy!

Have you ever bought something just because it made you happy?
Leave a comment and share so that I feel a little less crazy :)
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
I'll Be the Judge of That!

A little ducky told me that Lark Books is holding a special contest in conjunction with the release of the Craft Challenge: Pillowcase book! Not only that, but as a designer for the book, I have been asked to be a judge. Me, a judge!! I'm thrilled to continue to have a part in this awesome publishing adventure. Click on their little mascot icon at the top of this post to get full contest details. Three lucky winners will receive the Craft Challenge: Pillowcase book along with 9 (count 'em...NINE!) more of Lark's newest "indie-wonderful" craft books. What in the world are you waiting for? Grab that pillowcase and get crafting!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
It's Out, and I'm In!

Craft Challenge: Pillowcase has hit the shelves! My good friend Karen from RunsWithScissors4 actually made a special trip to Barnes and Noble just to find this book. She not only purchased it, but she also sent me photos of all of "my" pages. Wasn't that sweet?
My copy arrived on my doorstep yesterday. As you can see, I'm not on the cover. Not the front cover, anyway. There is actually a mention of my project on the back cover, though! The book is broken up into three sections; wear, show and live. I'm in the "live" section (page 100). My large bowl has been dubbed "Dream Catcher" and wow, the pictures are just amazing!

I am thrilled to do the happy dance with my family and friends, but I admit, there is the teeniest dream that Oprah or Martha or Rachael will spy the book and just *have* to visit my shop- they'll order custom rugs and bowls for their many homes and invite me to be on their show for a fabric crochet segment. Am I carrying the fantasy a little far? Perhaps. OK, probably. But, there you have it...What A Feeling! What are you celebrating today?
Monday, March 9, 2009
Whoa, That Thing Is HUGE!

Saturday, March 7, 2009
How The Rag Rug Grows

Friday, March 6, 2009
Earth Day Challenge: Step Two

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
I've Been Spotted!

There's my upcycled tray, right up there! If you'd like to check out the site and even submit an item of your own, click right HERE. Good luck!!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Large Lidded Project Keeper Update

Monday, March 2, 2009
Earth Day Challenge Fabric