Thursday, April 29, 2010
Thursday's Treasure

Tuesday, April 27, 2010
New Expression

Monday, April 26, 2010
Makeover Monday: 4/26

So far for me it's just getting ready for Mother's Day, making an eye doctor appointment, and cleaning out the guest room closet. Maybe a trip to Ikea. I know, it's an exciting life that I lead!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Lights, Camera...
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Mug Rugs

And the Winner is....

Friday, April 23, 2010
Friday Fun: Price is Right Game 3
The Game: I show you my thrift shop haul from one recent outing. You leave a comment with your best estimate of the total amount that I paid. For you sticklers out there, this does include sales tax. The person who comes closest without going over wins!
The Rules: One clear and definitive guess per person- no amending your answer. Please do not choose the same answer as a person who came before you- check the comments before leaving your guess. Game goes for 24 hours- I'll post the receipt and winner here. Please be sure I know how to get in touch with you- either through email or Etsy shop name. Play nice and have fun :)
The Prize: The satisfaction of winning, AND $5 in "soso bucks"- can be applied to any purchase in either of my shops. Can be saved and spent at a later time, up to one year. Can also be combined with future "soso bucks" wins!
The Stuff: This week the loot is from a hospital charity thrift shop, non-sale day. Prices here are inconsistent, and I promise I'm not just saying that to throw you off. I am always surprised at how high some things are, and how low others are.

From left to right, top row we have:
1. sweet aqua and orange teacup and saucer
2. antique wood handled (green paint!) kitchen utensils
3. Yellow enamelware plate with floral detail
4. pinwheel Lansing button card
Bottom row, left to right:
1. Metlox Vernon ware "tickled pink" plate
2. Quilted vinyl carry case
3. vintage full size bath towel
4. Regal aluminum cake and pie carrier
So there you have it... let the computing and commenting commence!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Thursday's Treasure

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Happy Housewarming

Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Mushroom Madness
Monday, April 19, 2010
Makeover Monday: 4/19

The bed finally arrived (loooooong story), and best of all- it FITS where I wanted it to go! Without too many options, this was a very good thing. The glider had to go, but everything else fit back in.

These are a few of my favorite things in the room: the fabric covered cork board, the cross stitch animal scene that I made while I was pregnant, the vintage chenille bathrobe hanging by the bedside, dried flowers from a "congratulations" arrangement that we received when Sophie was born.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
The Big Winner and Voter Update

In other news, here's what the Eco-Item voter is looking like right now. Can you believe my bowl is in 2nd place???? I am so super excited!!! As you can imagine, I'd love to maintain my spot, or even give #1 a good run for her money- and voting ends Tuesday at 10am.
Bottom line- I need more votes!! If you haven't weighed in with your choice yet, please do- especially if it is the upcycled lidded bowl, lol. If you have etsy teams or friends who might like to be reminded to vote- please don't hesitate to give them a nudge in the right direction. Every single vote counts, and I need and appreciate all the help I can get.
The link to go right to the voter is HERE.
Thank you so much from the bottom of my sosorosey heart :)
Saturday, April 17, 2010
The Price is Right: Game 2

This needed major cleaning, but boy is she pretty now :)
Have fun!!! Can't wait to see who comes closest this time!!!
Friday Fun Info

Thursday, April 15, 2010
Thursday's Treasure

Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Welcome Back

On Monday I found the soft old cotton kerchief in photo one, remembered my bowl bases, and brought the nest set back to life.
~*~ While I'm always thinking of new items to make for sosorosey, the rag-top nested bowls are one of my earliest *signature* creations. I'm glad to have some new ones back in the shop :)
How many projects do you currently have sitting around waiting for the perfect finishing touch?
Please share!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
All Abloom

The berries are bright on the ornamental bamboo.
The azaleas are just beginning to blossom. Yes, that's a bee. A large bee!
I love to plant annuals in our windowboxes at this time of year, but it is always so exciting to see the perennials pop up. It makes me feel hopeful and full of appreciation for the nature that abounds in our little corner of the woods. What's blooming in your part of the world?
Monday, April 12, 2010
Makeover Monday: 4/12

Sunday, April 11, 2010
Rustic Clutter Keeper

These beautiful fabrics are primarily 100% cotton, with a couple of blends as well. The maker of the balls did such an excellent job of painstakingly cutting, folding, ironing and stitching the lengths- it made my job a true and uniquely joyous experience.

I was more conservative on the width of this one in order to ensure a substantial depth. It ended up being about 10" wide and 6" deep. AND, I still have a bit of one rag ball left! Maybe it will be used for a small bowl- maybe a few stars. Whatever the customer would like works for me...I'm just happy that I have a little bit more left to play with. *sigh*
Friday, April 9, 2010
Friday Fun!

6 aqua and yellow linen napkins, 4 linen floral napkins, 3 sturdy cotton pillowcases, one ET pillowcase
Perfect retired rose fiestaware- large disk pitcher, salt and pepper shakers, gravy boat, and large covered bowl

Small yellow fiesta disk pitcher, red-lidded nutgrinder, scottie dog cannister
What a haul! Can't wait to see who comes closest without going over! Let the guessing begin!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Thursday's Treasure: Mother's Day Ready

While it's certainly no thrill to BE a wallflower, having or giving one of these is a sure way to celebrate the pure and simple joy of the growing season.

At a generous 8" diameter, the wallflower can be a coaster/trivet under your favorite beverage, potted plant, pitcher or casserole. When not in use, it brightens up a hook or wall space with a touch of color and splash of whimsy.
Fun idea: order a set and decorate an entire sunporch wall or child's room! Happily made to order in any color under the sun :)
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
For the Baby Sister