You just can't go wrong crocheting with polka dotted fabric! And if it's an aqua-teal dotted fabric, so much the better!

These are the last two pieces that I made to take on my consigning adventure Thursday. I've made my price sheet/inventory list, and have started a list of questions to ask. Have you sold on consignment before? Any tips you have or info I need would be SO appreciated!
That's really cute.
Those are very nice, love that colour!
Good luck, Jennie, with your upcoming consignment adventure. The only consignment I have done is the kids' clothing and toys that they have outgrown. What type of store are you bringing your items to? I do so hope that the owner realizes the time and energy you put into each item--not to mention the consistency of your work and neatness of your stitching. Be sure to convey that! Please post how Thursday goes. I'm really looking forward to the feedback you get!
Very cute! Good luck on your consignment adventure! Sounds like you are prepared. Stand tall, smile, and be proud of your work--it is beautiful and you have a wonderful skill and an artistic eye. My best advice is to go only to more established shops, and really be picky about where you sell your creations. Make sure it's a clean and friendly shop. I've had some good experiences consigning and some really bad ones. (One shop actually closed without any notice, they took all my stuff and disconnected their phone. I saw them a year later at a craft fair with my stuff in their booth, claiming it was their own work!!--of course, this is not typical, but go into this with your eyes wide open.)
Good luck!!
Smiles, Karen
I agree! You can never go wrong with polka dots. That piece is fabulous!
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