I had a recent request for stars in multiple sizes. Why didn't this idea ever occur to me before? I worked and reworked my patterns for the medium and large to get them just right, and I love the way they came out. This will provide some fun versatility to the sets I will be offering for the holidays this year. The small one is 3.5" across, and the large is a whopping 6.5" from point to point. These were worked with a double strand of cotton to give them added substance and a more sturdy appeal. Three down, one hundred and seven more to go! I SO wish I could tell you where these stars were going, but I'll have to keep that secret for a bit longer :)
that is a lot of stars! can't wait to find out where they're going...Martha Stewart? Country Home Magazine?
They are beautiful. I can't wait either to see where they are going.
THE MOST BEAUTIFUL STARS I've ever seen!!! They appear to range from very fragile to medium whimsy to large delicate! Lovely work!
YOU TEASE!!! lol. We wanna know Jennie!! When can you tell us? hugh, hugh? Love the multi-sized stars. x
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