Friday, December 31, 2010
New Year, New Thing

charm packs,
vintage fabrics,
vintage sheets
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Thursday's Treasure

I found these two kissing angels (and their bench!) at a Salvation Army recently. No way was I leaving them behind. And, can you believe it? They are salt and pepper shakers! Awwwwww.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
And What We Have Here Are...
(ding ding ding to Shabby Vintage Threads for her correct guess!)
Posie Patch Napkin Rings, to be precise.
{Make every day a garden party}
Look for these in sosorosey soon, sweetly packaged in sets of 4 for $30.
floral crochet,
garden party,
napkin rings,
Monday, December 27, 2010
Makeover Monday: 12/27


Here they are all "starred" and "charmed"- ready to head off to their new home. Though we didn't work it out to have them for the tree this Christmas, they will certainly have a warm welcome when they come out with the other decorations next year!
So, happy Monday after Christmas! How are you feeling? Relieved? Tired? Let down? Charged up? Me, I'm nursing a cold, but feeling otherwise very content. We had a really super holiday, and I'm all excited to move into a brand new year. Lots of ideas for new sosorosey goodies are flowing through my mind, so stay tuned for some hints and glimpses this week!
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Merry

Friday, December 24, 2010
Pillow Perfect

Thursday, December 23, 2010
Thursday's Treasure

Alert! Alert! Anyone with children or grandchildren, nieces or nephews- this website is a must see! Clicking on the Santa above will take you to *pnp*, or Portable North Pole. Click on the appropriate gingerbread cookie on the right hand side to begin.
Just a few minutes of your time will allow you to create- for free- a personalized video for your child from Santa. Take the time to upload a picture or two where you're prompted- one of your child, and one of the gift they are really hoping to receive. That way when Santa reads from his magic book, it will be even more magical!
If you would like to see the one I made for Sophie, click HERE. She is amazed!!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Ant Farm Update



While we read that it can take up to 2 days for the ants to orient themselves and begin tunneling, we quickly realized that we have some very advanced ants. (proud ant-parents, lol) Ours started "digging" in the gel within a couple of hours. This is way more entertaining than I ever dreamed. Whenever we get home, Sophie runs over to the farm screeching, "I've gotta check on my ants!" So far it's two thumbs up on the ant farm... feel free to ask us any questions you may have!
ant farm,
christmas gift,
harvester ants
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Posie Pot


new product,
pencil holder,
pencil pot
Monday, December 20, 2010
Makeover Monday: 12/20


I put the lights up on Saturday. Well, my first attempt was on Friday but I ended up with a bum string in the middle of the tree. Sophie and I did the ornaments on Sunday, and we're pretty darned happy with the results! Now we're ready for Santa to come put some presents underneath...
before and after,
christmas tree,
tree decorating
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Daily Dose of Cute

japan reindeer,
vintage christmas
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Fabby Fabrics

Friday, December 17, 2010
Chin Up, Pup!

christmas work,
new year wishes,
no cards
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Thursday's Treasure 12/16

One of my very favorite things about our neighborhood is that Santa always makes a planned visit a couple of weeks before Christmas- on a big old blaring fire engine! Thanks to the Buckhall Fire Department, Santa and his elves make several stops at street corners throughout our residential community.
Santa pulls up a chair, poses for photos, and listens attentively as children of all ages either wail or whisper in his ear. Sophie was one of those wailers for a couple of years. Last year she was willing to stand beside Santa, but she didn't say much. This year she was the life of the party. Despite the cold and rainy day, she jumped right up on his knee and talked his ear off. When he asked what she'd like for Christmas, she answered, "Well, anything you bring will be just great". He smiled and pressed her for more info. She whispered, "a talking Rudolph the reindeer". (SCORE!!!!)
Next time we see Santa will be Christmas Eve. On the night before Christmas, this same saintly crew rolls slowly down our street with sirens and lights going wild. Santa -sitting on top of the fire engine- waves and ho ho ho's to all who come to their doorsteps to gaze at him with wonder. We live only 30 miles from our nation's capitol, but at times like this, it feels like we're in our own special little town in the middle of nowhere.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

My friend Karen from VintageStation wrote to me one day saying she had found a chick/bird just like mine! She said hers came with a noise box inside... you know the cylindrical things with the holes in it that utters sounds when turned upside down? Her noise box didn't work though, so she didn't know what it actually "said".
As shocked as I was that she had found the same item, I was triple surprised when I found Little Miss Pink Bow on a recent thrift trip! She has a non-working noise box too. Poo. (hehe, too poo too poo. Oops- obviously spending too much time listening to five year old humor.)
I debated about whether to sell my friends separately or together, and I've decided to do neither. They just look too happy to have found each other, so I'm keeping them!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Makeover Monday: 12/13


The result looks like a garden itself! The pinks and greens and touches of red really flow together in a gorgeous way. I'd love to see a photo of this full of Deb's amazing handiwork.
Happy Monday! This is Sophie's last week of school before the holidays, and she even gets out early on the 17th! Wha???? Her Christmas program at school is today, and I'm excited to see her all dressed up and singing her little heart out. I'll be sending off the last of the family holiday packages today, and crocheting stars as fast as my fingers can crank them out. This will be one of those beyond busy weeks for me... how about you? Wishing us all lots of luck getting done what we need to get done- and enjoying the spirit of the season in the process!
craft makeover,
custom order,
fabric crochet,
shabby chic
Sunday, December 12, 2010
A Little Something

In addition to the bowls featured this past week, my wedding dress customer was also hoping I'd have enough of her fabric and lace to make a little something for a very special bride-to-be. She wanted to give her this as the "something old" for her trousseau, and we wracked our brains to come up with just the thing.
I had just enough of the antique lace left to crochet this little heart. I sewed a pinback on the reverse, and pinned it to a length of the leftover material. The bride can either pin the heart by itself to her garter or bouquet, or leave it on the length of fabric and tie that around her bouquet.
Though it's only about 2" by 2", this little lace heart is bursting with history and love. I am so lucky to have my small part in the big ideas my customers dream up!
antique lace,
crochet heart,
wedding gift
Friday, December 10, 2010
New Life

The ultra talented Robyn from giddyupandgrow recently purchased some pink swiss dot fabric from sosovintage, and just look at the cuteness she created! That fabric never looked so good. If you're looking for adorable headbands, hairclips, and more- pop on into her etsy shop. Beware: you will say "aw" no matter what!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Thursday's Treasure 12/9

So, it's always so very appreciated when my mom and dad (the unit aka *nanapa*) host a grandchild slumber party weekend or take her out for the day while I sleep in and then go shop til I drop. I had the opportunity to do the latter over our Thanksgiving trip and it was absolutely wonderful! I went to one of my favorite antique malls near their home in Pennsylvania and spent 3 glorious hours wandering from booth to booth in blissful peace and quiet. Thank you so much, Mom and Dad!!
The little fawn above was one of my purchases on this adventure. From her wobbly rose colored antlers to her scuffy spots to her jaunty bell, she is a such a precious bit of Christmas past. Look for her in sosovintage soon!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Wedding Bowls

Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Welcome to the World, Rudolph!

While I quickly counted my blessings that her one desire wasn't like a stereo system or Wii or her own moonbounce, I couldn't keep myself from saying, "Really? That's the one thing you want? Don't you think your big gift should be something you play with for a long time, not just at Christmas?" She sighed a big 5 year old sigh and said "Really, Mommy. I WILL play with it always- not just at Christmas."
Well, we'll see about that!

I went home that day and googled "talking Rudolph" or something like that. I got a million and a half hits, and the first 50 were all over the map. I had no idea what talking Rudolph she was hoping for. Minor panic set in, and I began asking around to see if other mothers had heard of this mysterious talking reindeer. Nope.
I have been having some heartburn over this issue for days. This weekend I happened to be sitting on the couch while Sophie was watching TV. A commercial came on, and she jumped up and shouted, "There HE is!!!!"
We watched the advertisement with glee, and today I set off for Build-A-Bear workshop right after I drove Sophie to school. I stuffed her Rudolph and gave him a heart and a wish, then I couldn't resist buying the sleigh driver outfit and the hat/scarf set pictured. And the Rudolph song insert. Who knew that birthing a reindeer could be so fun?
$50 later (yes, FIFTY), my child will have her Christmas dreams come true. Priceless.
What are your munchkins hoping that Santa will leave under the tree?
build a bear,
christmas wishes,
Monday, December 6, 2010
Makeover Monday: 12/6

Stay tuned for the "after" later this week!
Happy, happy Monday!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Seeking People with Ant Farm Experience

My darling daughter really, really wants an ant farm from Santa. Now, Santa thinks she should get this ant farm from a place called "Ant Farm Central". (Click on the cute ant if you'd like to see the site. )
I have NO personal experience with Ant Farm Central, or for that matter, with ant farms in general. I am mysteriously drawn to the blue gel farm- it looks cool and the ants get all the nutrients they need from the gel (no feeding--> bonus).
The main thing I'm trying to decide is whether to get the ants WITH the kit, or get the kit with a mail-in rebate for the ants. I can't really puzzle this out- I mean, why would I wait on the ants? Might they die before Santa delivers the gift? That would be kind of a buzz kill. Have any of you Santas out there done the ant farm thing? I'm open to all advice and opinions from those more informed!!
advice needed,
ant farm,
blue gel,
traditional ant farm
Friday, December 3, 2010
Sneak Peek
It feels like it has been ages since I have had a chance to just sit down and do some listing. I find that if I tell you that I'm going to do it, though, I hold myself more accountable. So, here are a few of the things that I hope to get on the shelves tonight!

And for sosovintage, a neon plastic piggy bank from 1977...

... one of those cool pillowcases from my stash...
... and a classic glass tree topper complete with glitter, mica, handpainting and indents.
If you don't see these things in my shops by tomorrow morning, feel free to give me a stern talking to :)


If you don't see these things in my shops by tomorrow morning, feel free to give me a stern talking to :)
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Thursday's Treasure

made in korea,
troll doll hair,
vintage tree topper
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Under a Rock

I'm not typically a country or Christian music fan, but I am very drawn to this particular song. Click on the photo to hear it for yourself, and leave a comment to let me know what you think!
christmas shoes,
christmas song,
sad song
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